8. Before The Night Ends

821 79 36

Vee Vivis

I can't wipe away the smile from my own face. I'm walking side by side with Mark and how I wish the walk towards his building is a little farther. I left my motorcycle back at the bar when I decided to follow him out.

Back at the bar, I was trying my best not to look at the direction where my brother and his friends were merrily drinking and teasing on their nongs. One of the nongs is no other than the person who kept crossing my mind lately. My temper had been tested because everytime I glanced at their table, I get irritated seeing Mark smiling languidly to my ai brother and the others. So as much as possible, I kept my eyes to myself.

But then it happened. I went to the bathroom feeling a little tipsy when I bumped upon the kid in the hallway. I tried to ignore him but the look on his face that time made me look back. When our eyes met, I see deep sadness in his. I have seen Mark being sad before but at that time, it was the worst. It's like all hope had gone, only sorrow remains.

I have seen those eyes before that's why I was bothered. When I was in the 7th grade, I remember passing by the bridge, riding my bike to see a teenage boy smaller than me attempting to jump off the river. I wasn't able to think anything else but jumped from my bike as fast as I could to pull him back just in time. I wasn't able to see his face clearly that time because he was wearing a mask and a baseball cap. But his eyes, they weren't crying but they look almost dead and souless. It's as if no light was able to pass through those lenses. I can feel the hopelessness emitting in that small figure. I have to snap him out of it by slapping his face a few times before he responded. He just stared at me trembling all over before he push me so hard that I myself slip off from the railing.

It was a terrifying experience for me. I hold on for my dear life as I tried to push my body back up. The boy also panicked and helped pull me up. I cursed at him repeatedly as he apologizes tearfully. And before I could do anything else, he ran away as fast as he could.

That experience made me an acrophobia. I am terribly afraid of heights and high places. I avoid going to the roof top of a building and refuse every strenuous activity that involves climbing. I also thought I have totally fogotten about that boy. I still get angry everytime I remember him not even thanking me for saving his life. I just wish he still lives out there and have forgotten about killing himself.

So I was remembering that boy's eyes all of a sudden when I saw Mark back at the club. Something wasn't right about that kid. It gives me a bad feeling that he'd somehow get himself into trouble or worst, make that decision the boy made at the bridge back in my 7th grade.

I was a little late when I caught him. He's already exchanging fists  with three guys. I wanted to jump in and help him punch those bastards but then I realized it would only worsten the situation. So I went cat calling making them believe I have called the police. I was just glad that he only harbored minor injuries out from that fight. I still can't believe a meek and cute looking creature can fight that good. He surely is something out of the ordinary.

"You fight really well. Where did you learned that from?" I asked breaking the silence between us. I look at the person beside to see him walking like a gangster. It doesn't suit his face at all. We were close enough for the back of our hands to brush against each other. I wanted to grab his hand to hold but I controlled myself just in case he feels uncomfortable. Besides, I don't know what I'd feel if he push my hand away. I fear every single rejection from this man as much as I fear heights.

"I am not good at fighting. It's just that the three of them are wimps and spineless." He amused making an indignant sound. His normal walking turned to shuffling dragging along his feet like an annoyed brat.

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