Part 2

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Kara woke up early the next day to get some super heroing done before she said bye to her friends. There wasn't much for her to do, ok maybe there was but she got through it quick. 2 robbery's, a plane going down, a building on fire and 3 alien escapees. By the time she got the last alien into its cell, it was time for her to meet her friends before they left. She hadn't told them she was meeting them so she was excited for them.

She arrived at the airport to see them waiting for their flight, "hey guys," she smiled, capturing their attention.

Kara walked closer to them and they all looked up at her and smiles grew across their faces, "Kara!" Multiple of them said at the same time.

"I didn't know you were coming," unique smiled.

"I thought I'd come say bye before you all left," she said.

"You didn't have to," Ryder said.

"Well I fell asleep last night before saying bye and I felt bad," Kara chuckled.

"Don't feel bad, you are a great friend," Kitty gave her a goodbye hug.

Just then the news showed supergirl and what she had done that morning.

"Oh jeez, a plane literally went down this morning, we're doomed," Kurt said.

"You guys will be fine," Kara told them, "and you should probably get going."

"Oh I'm so glad we found you and we're friends again," unique pulled Kara into a hug that everyone else joined.

"We're gonna miss you," Tina said.

"Hey, you guys can come visit anytime," Kara smiled, "now go before you miss your flight," she laughed.

Just as they were saying their last goodbyes, Kara caught on to someone in need of help with her super hearing.

"Ok, I really need to go, and so do you guys," she started to walk off.

Everyone else said bye and walked off to catch their plane. As soon as Kara had gotten away from where she'd be seen by anyone, she quickly changed to her super suit and continued her day as supergirl for the rest of her early morning.

Right before heading to Catco for the day, she stopped at the DEO to check in. At the DEO she talked with Alex.

"I miss them already," Kara told her sister.

"It hasn't even been long since you last saw them," Alex jokingly rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but do you know how long it's been since I saw them before two weeks ago? Too long."

"You're right, but that is sorta your own fault."

Kara gave her sister a disapproving look, raising an eyebrow before smiling and pulling her into a hug, "I had you though."

Alex accepted the hug, for no longer than a few seconds, "get off me you sap," she laughed

Kara pulled back smiling, "I need to get to work, I'll talk to you later."

As she walked out, she found Mon-el who was just coming in, "you left before I woke up," he pouted.

Kara laughed at his pouty face, "cause I know how much you hate early mornings."

"You know me so well," he kissed her cheek, "and I know that you should be getting to Catco."

With that Kara left the DEO as Supergirl and made it to Catco as Kara Danvers.

By the end of her day, Kara was exhausted. She finished an article, the article was rejected by Snapper. She re-wrote it and it got rejected again so she came up with a new one she turned just before going home, but that one was also rejected.

Having working so hard on her articles, she got home late, to an empty home which confused her, Mon-el was usually back by then.

Before she had the chance to worry, her phone buzzed. She pulled it out to see a she was getting a face time call from Kitty.

Kara gladly accepted the call, "how are you? I miss you already," her friend asked

"I'm alright, I miss you too. I'm actually glad you called," Kara spoke to her phone.

"And I'm glad to hear, but you seem worried, what's wrong?" Kitty grew concerned.

Kara sighed, glancing to the door to imagine Mon-el walking in the door that second. She shouldn't be worried about him, a super hero's job is never done, she would know. She knows nothing big is going on, if there was she'd be called. Removing her eyes from the door and looking back at the screen of her phone, she told Kitty that Mon-el hadn't gotten home yet.

"And where do you think he is?" She asked

"Probably still working, but he's usually home by now, he could have gotten hurt, or lost, or something," Kara knew they would have called if something happened to him, at least she hoped they would, they should.

"He got lost? Working at a bar?" Kitty questioned.

"Umm," Kara searched her mind for some sort of excuse to that, "no. He has two jobs."

"What's his second job?" Kara can't seem to get away from these questions without possibly blowing their secret identities.

"That is something I can't tell you, but he works somewhere I know they'd tell me if something happened so I shouldn't but-"

"You're still worried," Kitty finished for Kara, she's stressed and needs a friend.

"Yeah," Kara sighed.

A few minutes go by with Kara and Kitty catching up on the less than a day that they've been apart.

Then Mon-el walked in the door, oh thank Rao, Kara thought.

Kitty had to leave their call so they said their goodbyes and Kara got up to talk with Mon-el.

Kara asked him what kept him so long, he repeated her phrase to her, 'a super hero's job is never done' he told her that he was just working, but it seemed like he was hiding something but instead of thinking to much about it, she ignored it and went to bed peacefully.

Ok, this part is boring, it gets better in the next part, I think. I'll have to re read what I wrote to remember but it does get more exciting. Also, I kinda forgot about this, I pre wrote most of it then just forgot to post them, sorry. But I'm glad it's all mostly written because if not it would take awhile to write since now is a very busy time for me. I have my first in person gymnastics competition since February 2020 in 2 days and I am so excited. I also have musical theatre and our show is in a few weeks and I'm beyond excited for that since it'll be my first musical and we can have a real audience. Anyway, little update on me, hello if you read this far:)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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