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Harry sighed as he was finally allowed to leave the hospital wing.

His expulsion from the dreadful place was the best thing he'd experienced since his first love.

I know what you're thinking.

"Harry, why would you ever want to leave? Those floors be bussin'!"

Well, that's just it.

The hospital wing floors were so unappealing as they were contsantly covered in mud, dust and various other miscellaneous fluids and substances.

Harry could barely resist the urge to vomit every time he looked upon the pathetic excuse of a floor.

"Oh no," he said aloud. "I've become what I've always sought to defeat, to destroy.. a floor discriminator," He was turning into Draco Malfoy, his posse and all of the other floor abusers.

"Well, no more!" Harry screeched, arms out as he swiftly made his way to his dormitory in order to devise a plan.

I have a plan.. and it's a good one this time. (My RDR2 buddies will get this)

It was then, entranced by his excitement that Harry tripped and bumped into her/them.

"You look a little (lot) more blonde in your movie, baby, but that's alright! We'll just keep it groovy, baby," Harry said before launching his chapped lips at her's.

Lips firmly attached, Harry felt whole for the first time since his hospital admittance.

He knew he'd made the correct decision.

He was going to become the youngest Head(floor)master in the history of Hogwarts.

End Notes

Ok. Wow. Harry's finally out of the hospital wing. Guy's been in there for over a year.. over two, maybe.

Finally, some inspiration! It was difficult to get back into the swing of things.. but we got there.

Special thanks to all who've commented, read and voted. I know it's not that deep but Harry and his floors/floor groupies truly, really, do thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Floor Master 200 #0981


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