Sweet Revenge While Serving Detention

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After Harry's altercation/aggravation with Mrs. Norris, he had earned himself a months detention, but he was not complaining, quite the opposite in fact. For he had to spend his time scrubbing each and every floor in the castle. Of course, Harry just had to take advantage of the situation and bask in the absolute glory that was the floor.

Standing back to admire his handy work, Harry couldn't help but smile.

That is, until he heard a very, very annoying voice. It was, Draco Malfoy, a known Floor Abuser throughout Hogwarts.

Floor Abuse, was of course not as frowned upon as creature abuse, so most got away with it, although Harry had silently punished Draco for it a few times, he smirked as be remembered those blissful moments of pure rage on Draco's face. He would not be forgetting those any time soon.

And suddenly, he was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard the disgusting sound of somebody spitting, it was Malfoy.

Harry also noticed he had a dirty rag with him.

Harry glared at him. And, if looks could kill, the poor boy would have been six feet under with Merlin himself. Or rather, meeting Merlin himself, that is of course if Merlin chose to waste his precious time with Floor Abusers.

Harry thought he ought to know better.

He was Merlin, after all.

But then again, he was also a Slytherin. 

Harry shook his head and allowed the anger to course through him.

"Malfoy," he said, coldly, grinding his teeth.

"Potter," Draco sneered.

"How dare you abuse the floor, and in such a dishonourable way, too,".

Draco sneered, once again. (He of course, did not know that could be his very last sneer, if he did not play his cards right.)

"We aren't all Floor Lovers like you, Potter," he shot back, bitterly, angering Harry beyond explanation. (Well, no explanation couldn't be given without some very foul words, and we do not use those here, that often.)

"Take. That. Back," Harry said, trying to keep his emotions under control.

Draco laughed, and thought about how pathetic Potter really was. Seriously, saving floors, doesn't he have a blood traitor to be sucking up to?

"No, I don't think I will," he paused.

"No, I won't," he finally decided, after what must have been a pause for dramatic effect, ironically, it had the opposite effect.

"Well, then," Harry said, smiling, coldly.

"You will have to suffer the consequences," he finished and said;


And with that, Draco fell to his knees and started rambling about how magnificent, glorious and noble the righteous species of Floors were.

Harry smirked in amusement and walked away, quite happy with himself and his accomplishments.

Author's Notes:

Hello, everybody, it is I, [redacted] and yes, Floors do have Hogwarts Houses now, they have their own Hogwarts too, it's called "floorwarts" they don't believe in the use of capital letters.

I hope you enjoy.


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