Chapter Three Different Time (Same Old Shit...) err...Stuff

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Different Time, Same Old (Shit…) err…Stuff

Hermione didn’t find it any easier to socialize in the past than she did in the future. There were still the same cliques that permeated the halls of Hogwarts in her own time. The smart kids and the slackers. The popular crowd and the bullies, only they weren’t Slytherins, they were the Marauders.

Then there were the outcasts which unfortunately seemed to be herself and Severus Snape.
She hadn’t been able to make friends at all in the week she had been trapped in the past. The girls in her house snickered and gossiped behind her back, ignoring her when she attempted to converse with them. The only person who showed any interest in her aside from making fun of her was Peter Pettigrew and the way he looked at her gave her the willies.

Hermione stepped out onto the grounds, eager to be free of the stifling confines of Gryffindor tower. She missed her friends, the easy comfort she found at school with them around. She was miserable and so very lonely in this place and time. She heard giggling and chattering students behind her and slipped around the side of the castle towards the gardens.

She inhaled the crisp fall air deeply as she made her way along the pebbled footpath towards the low garden wall along the cliff side overlooking the Black Lake. She stared out at the smooth, mirrored surface and longed for home, for Harry and Ron. She wiped a wayward tear from her cheek with her gloved hand and sighed.

She heard a bird cawing and turned towards the forest. She saw him sitting near the end of the wall, bent over with his elbows resting on his knees and his nose pressed close to the book he held in his hands. Hermione smiled at this rather casual posture from the man who always held himself so rigidly.
He looked as lonely as she felt. Hermione felt sorry for him.
She had heard the marauders talking about him, had heard Lily telling some of the other girls how she couldn’t stand being around him anymore, that his darkness terrified her.

He had no one, just like her.
She wondered if he would have become a different man had things been better for him at school, if someone had befriended him and shown him love, unconditionally.

She watched him thoughtfully for several long moments and then smiled. She walked over and sat beside him on the low wall. He didn’t say anything, just glanced askance at her and scooted down a way. Hermione bit her lip and smiled, then followed.

“Hello, Severus, do you remember me?” She asked.

He frowned and looked up.

“Difficult to forget a witch who falls through the ceiling from twenty years in the future.” He grouched, moving further down the wall and resuming his place in the book.

“What are you reading?” She asked, scooting closer once more to sit close to him.

“Potion Essays of the Masters. Why are you talking to me?” He asked frustrated as he scooted further down the wall and the odd little witch followed him yet again.

“I don’t have any friends here. You’re the only person I know.” She said, shrugging as she tried to look over his shoulder.

“If you’re after social advice you picked the wrong wizard.” He scoffed.

“No, I don’t much care for the people in my house to be honest, they are somewhat shallow. I thought maybe we could be friends.” She said, smiling at him.

Severus blinked rapidly and scooted even further down the wall, unfortunately there was no more wall for him to scoot on and he fell onto the ground.

“Oh! Are you alright?”

Severus looked up and frowned at the witch leaning over the edge of the wall trying to hold back her laughter.

“I’m fine.” He grouched. “Why are you bothering me?”

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