The Ancient Creature. Chapter 5.

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As few humans walked around the forest, watching the animals walk around and birds fly by, but when they look up at the sky, they saw something larger then any flying animal, they were slowly backing up trying not to catch it's attention, however the creature saw them and flew down and toward them, as they started running within the deep forest, they all screamed for their life, as the creature flew closer and landed in front of them, they slowly stare up at the creature's eyes in fear, after they screamed in fear, they were never founded within the forest ever again..

A month had passed, and there were news passing around when traveling, Zabaki and his friends were listening to the news, as more disappearance kept going, they got curious and Ace was worried and looked up at Zamaki. "Can we go and save them...? We might be able to find them..." Ace said as he wanted to help find the missing people. "Alright, we can try and help." As they gotten ready to move out, Zamaku followed as he was curious about the disappearance.

As they make it to the forest, they were really liking the scenery, as they travel, Zamaku looked up and saw the same figure again, and he realized something about it seemed off. Ace sensed the hatred feeling and looked up, as Zamaki and Zabaki looked up, they saw a creature in the sky. "That can't be the same thing I saw..." Zamaku said as they still look up, everyone started shouting to make it fly away, but instead the creature looked and flew down toward them fast, as they see it flew straight at them, they all moved away and dodged it's landing. Ace looked up at it and was in shock to see a dragon, as the dragon looked down at them, they can see it wasn't welcoming them at all.

Zamaki looked at the dragon and growled lowly, Zabaki used black flame and made a sword then attacked it, as the dragon looked, they all see it used it's tail and hit away Zabaki and heard it roar out loud. Ace saw the dragon's eyes and saw him in anger, Ace yelled and the dragon and his friends stopped. "Why did you yell! You beings are so fed up with dragons, yet all of you still carry weapons to try and kill me!" As the dragon spoke they were surprised it can, then they saw the dragon used a fire breathe attack, everyone dodged it while Zamaki got burnt by the leg, Zamaku ran and tried stabbing the dragon, however it did nothing but made the dragon angry, as they see it hit Zamaku across the forest and flew up. They all got the answer why the disappearance had been the area. "I despise humans! I despise all beings that dare to kill the last dragon!" As they heard the dragon said last one, they all lowered their weapons and Zamaku came back with healed wounds, the dragon looked at them and didn't had second thoughts but went down and strike to finish them off.

However, Ace looked at the dragon with concern within his eyes, as the dragon saw, and stopped, he landed and stared at them and realized they healed up. "So, I'm guessing you are not humans, you are immortals..." As the dragon said so, they all picked up their weapons and put them away, the dragon knew what their holding are normal and looked at them. "You beings are not holding that weapon either, which I am glad they all lost it..." The dragon said as they were wondering what weapon he was talking about, as Ace looked up at the dragon, he said "Can we know your story...? And why you hate humans and werewolves...?" The dragon did not want to say it, till he felt generous about the beings he is with.

"Fine, I'll tell you my story... but don't even think about getting that stupid weapon...!" They all agreed, as the dragon said that. "It was probably around six or nine thousand years ago... my family and friends were coexisting with humans and werewolves, as my day was going good... my family told me to go get something from a far way land, my race was all human like, nothing like you werewolves, we are taller then you think.. I am the first dragon to turn into this beast, as for the rest, they didn't know we had this form, but the gods knew... they always think they see threats of different races... I hated the humans, demons, gods, and werewolves as they all held a weapon that can slay dragons... that weapon was only design to kill dragons, if it kills a human, it just becomes a normal weapon.. but it makes me worry to even see the humans, werewolves, demons, and the heavens angels attack all the dragons... when I returned, the dragon race was nothing but a memory afterwards..." As the dragon said that, they were wondering how can he be that old. "Mister, if you really are human like us, can you show us how you look like?" Ace said as he was curious how he looked like, the dragon nodded and turned human, they looked up at him as his 14 feet tall, he looked down and start to sit down. "So where was I... oh right, the weapon and why I hate everyone... it's because of that stupid weapon... it's like a small knife, but instead it looks like a dragon, the spines are blades... so don't ever used that against me... I'll be on my way home now..." As he got up and flew off to the west.

As they heard him said home, they wanted to know more about dragons, they left to find a library in the next village, as they start looking for a library, they came across someone with a lab coat, as they look at him, they saw a paper that was in in a color of blue, as they got curious about him, they walked up to him and was about to ask a question. However they were surprise about his reaction. "Oh hello! Are you guys immortals? what age are you, can you tell me where are other people in this world?" As the unknown man questioned and knew who they were, they tried to ask a question about him. "Oh silly me, I'm Lucas, a scientist that wants to help humanity grow! however this village is kind of small for this to be here... but it'll have to do!" Lucas said as they all looked at him talking a lot, they tried to talk but they couldn't until he pointed at the library. "Also the library is over there, because you really look like your trying to find something!" As they were glad to know where it is, Ace looked up at Lucas and feels something off, he asked a question. "You sound like you want to stop something, may I ask why...?"

As Ace said, trying to know why his talking so much. "I am also trying to find answers to stop him..." As they heard Lucas said him, they understood who he meant, they shiver a bit but looked at him. "So, everyone that are aware of him... either wants to free him, or to stop him..." As Zamaki said so, Lucas nodded and bowed. "I am still working on it, but I'll gladly show you my base in the future soon!" Lucas said as he walked off, they all went to the library and looked for books about dragons, as they did, Ace saw a few books that hinted Xenon's carnage, he grabbed them incase someone tried to free him. As they found a lot of books, they a few words that were hard to say, but they keep trying to figure out why the dragon they met was angry. Zabaki saw the weapon the dragon described, as they saw they the weapon all they wanted is to close the book and try and forget it, but they continue to read into it. One of them read the other books when they saw a god that was angered and gave a lot of humans weapon to slay dragons, Ace saw and gotten scared to see a human stand on all dragon corpses, they all gotten mad except Ace, still feeling scared and worried.

Five hours had passed and they left and gave the library some gold for them to read the books, Ace took the books he had and payed them to keep it, as they walk off, Ace was following and reading the first book, Ace immediately stopped and gotten frighten by the image. Everyone also stopped and looked over at Ace, they walked to him and Ace looked up at Zabaki. "He... he kills everyone who even set him free..." Ace said as he almost started to stutter, he cried and hugged Zabaki as tears roll down onto his shirt. Zamku grabbed the book and starts reading it. "As the beast was in a statue, the army of villains thought they'll be able to control it, to get it's absolute power... however they never knew it never had a heart, it killed them as it was set free...." They had a bad feeling about the seal, they immediately ran to the same place where the Glitch and Xenon were sealed, they had started building a temple that it was dangerous, they tried to keep the seal underground, as they did it, they watch the seal glow bright.

They start writing onto the walls to try and get anybody's attention to stay away, and to forget about the temple. They finally finished it, they left and calmed down as they try to calm down, they wanted to rest more longer after remembering his destruction.

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