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Lovely Readers,

Welcome to Luvie! This is the edited version of the last version!

This story is a completed work. I would like to mention this is my original work, so if you see this somewhere else please let me know!

Last thing, promise, please comment! Let me know that you are here, and your thoughts and feelings on everything that's going on! Don't be a silent reader!

Love you all! Thank you for supporting my story!

Mae Rodriguez

P.S.  ---  01.01.22

This is the new and edited version of Luvie, some parts are added in. There should be no major changes (hopefully). However, the other version is uploaded to my profile if you want to read it, I think this one is a more advanced writing style, but they are both pretty good! :))

Luvie [edited]Where stories live. Discover now