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"It's eleven o'clock at night! Where is he?" I said exasperated. Sealy just looked at me pityingly.

"He cannot be far, he did not take his car." I only look at her, pacing the floor.

"What would happen if he left? What happens if he dies!" I overthink questions. Sealy rolls her eyes at me.

"It's three A.M. he will be back soon," Sealy walked over to me and stopped me, "Just take a deep breath."

I did so, breathing out as she looked at me. "Now, go to bed. He'll be back in the morning."

"Okay," I whisper.

"Now go to bed." She says, turning me around and pushing me towards my bedroom. She walks with me, walking me towards my bedroom. I open the door, and she shoves me towards the dresser. I quickly change and crawl into bed. Sealy kisses my cheek and walks out of the room, leaving me clothed in bleak darkness.

Hours later, I was still tossing and turning. My covers were wildly thrown on the floor, and my hair was in a matted mess, and my eyes probably have rediscovered how bad bags can be. Sighing again I turn to the wall, my arms hugging William's pillow. My head is buried inside of it as I slowly felt tears start to stream down my face.

I heard the door re-open as Sealy looked at me. "What's wrong?" She gently asked. "Nothing." I sniffled, not facing her.

"I can tell when you're lying and this is one of those times, you know."

"What happens if he doesn't come back?" I exclaim helplessly. "What happens if he's found Rose and falls in love with her? What if he hates me?" I say with a small whimper.

"He could never hate you," Sealy said. She crawled beside me, setting up against the pillows, and hugged me too. I cried into her neck, my hands going over my stomach.

"He can't leave us...not again. I wouldn't know what to do, I don't think I could survive!" I cried. I borrowed my head into her side, and she ran her hands through my hair, slowly putting me out of my worries and into a calm state of sleep.

"Allen, I know you want to see your Mama, but she's sleeping and she needs to." I subconsciously heard Sealy say.

"I had a nightmare!"

"What was it about?" Sealy asked Allen. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with Allen and Sealy at the foot of the bed.

"Momma!" Allen exclaimed, running over to my side of the bed. I smile at him. "I had a nightmare." He said sniffling again.

"What about?" I asked him, running his hands through his hair as he laid his head down on my leg.

"Daddy died." He whispered, "It was really scary because you died too." I looked down at him.

"Why did I die?" I asked him.

"I don't know. But I tried to find you and you weren't there." He whispered.

"Well, it's okay, because I'm alive, and so is Daddy," I say with a small smile.

"Okay." He says curling up within me.

"Where's your brother?"

He looks up at me, "On the couch, I think." Allen said, bringing his knees to his chest. "I'm going to check to see if he's okay. I'll be back."

"Okay, momma." I place a kiss on his forehead and then leave my bedroom. "Alek," I call softly. I was met with silence. "Alek," I call softly again. I walk over to the couch to see Allen sitting on the couch with Sage on his lap. He was talking softly to her. Her brown eyes looked at him. He smiled a little bit, "You need to go to sleep." He whispered. I looked at him, "So do you." I speak up looking at Alek.

His eyes flash to mine. "I can't sleep until Sage goes to sleep." He whispers, looking down at his lap.

"Why don't you both go to bed?" Alek looked at me and shook his head.


"What do you mean no? I wasn't even finished with my idea!" I said exasperated. Alek raised his eyebrows and nodded his head for me to continue. "Why thank you!" He looked at me and rolled his eyes at my sarcasm. "Why don't you just both lay down in your bed?" I asked him. He looked at me, "I guess that's a good idea." He whispered, reluctantly.

"Can I hold her?" I asked Alek. He turns and looks at me, raising his eyebrows questioningly. "Are you aware that Sage is my child? We haven't forgotten that, right?" Sealy asked, from the doorway of the kitchen.

"Sharing is caring!" He yells, turning his head away. He squirmed his way off of the couch and walked to his room, carefully running to his room with Sage in his arms.

"Your son just kidnapped my daughter!" Sealy exclaimed frantically.

I laughed, "You know as well as I do that Alek wouldn't hurt a hair on Sage's head."

"I hate it when you are right!" She said, "Stupid boys."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, hitting her with a pillow. "Those are my children!" Sage just laughed as she took the pillow-hit and grabbed one of her own. She landed a hit on my side. I doubled over in laughter. I landed one on the side of her cheek.

"That actually hurt!" She mumbled.

Sealy's shirt falls down a little bit exposing the top of her chest. My eyes zero in on the hickey. I gasp. "Sealy!" I exclaimed in shock, "Where is that from?" I start to ask, "More importantly, who is that from?"

Her arm immediately goes to the mark, as she flops on the couch, "Well...remember that teacher?"

I perch an eyebrow, "Continue." I tell her, sitting down next to her. She smiles, and a rosy blush coats her cheeks.

"Well, I went on a date."

"What did you do with Sage?"

"I say date, it wasn't really a date. More of her planning something, me being so excited I forgot to get a babysitter for Sage. So I had to call her and explain that I didn't have a sitter for Sage.

"But she understood, and we rescheduled but I couldn't do that, so I invited her over to my place. She came and we had dinner, and she took care of Sage. It was so sweet. She's not like some men, who hate the aspect of children, especially if it's someone else's. She was so understanding." Sealy finished with a small, wistful sigh.

"I need alcohol," I say, getting up, and going over to the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and pause, "Never mind! I have a tiny human. Guess lemonade works for now."

I hear Sealy laugh from the other room. Suddenly my phone rings, I smile and walk over to it. "Hello?" I answered it.

"Yes, is this Luvie Rigressa?"

"Yes. May I ask who I am talking to?" They nervously laugh and continue talking. When they finish the phone and my glass of lemonade slip out of my hand. I distantly hear my phone clammer onto the ground and hear my glass shatter, leaving a burning sting on my foot and in my ears. I can feel my eyes grow weary, and my hands cover my mouth as a poignant sob erupts from my lips, my hands clutching the counter in distress.

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