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I screamed, taking in everything before me, I let out a blood-curdling scream. "This can't be happening!" I protested.

"Okay, it's Uncle Eric's birthday, we're going to have to be super quiet. Okay?" I ask them. It was early in the morning, the sun was shining in the sky. William was standing next to me with the twins, o, Eric's front steps, of his townhouse. I turned to William who had Eric's house keys. "Hand them here William."

He smiles, "'Names Bond, James Bond.'" I scrunch my nose.

"I'm pretty sure it doesn't go like that. I think it's 'names James, James Bond.'"

William only looks at me, "We will finish this conversation later," I say, opening the door.

I walk in. "Okay, stay here, I'm going to go get Uncle Eric," I say with a smile, rushing through the living room and upstairs. I walk in the direction of Eric's room towards the back of the townhouse, ignorant to the sounds coming from the room in front of me.

My hand reaches for the doorknob, gently twisting it, before pushing the door open and walking in. I look at the bed where I see Eric and Keith look at me, Keith above Eric. I take in Keith's naked back, and their flushed forms. It takes me a moment to fully process what was happening. I screamed, taking in everything before me.

"This can't be happening!" I protested. "No. No. No." My nose scrunching in disdain.

"My virgin eyes!" I yelled, their attention snapping at me. Keith rolls over, the sheets leaving little to the imagination.

"Luvie," Keith starts, "You're not a virgin," Keith says smallly.

"Well, it's a saying, I can't say 'My non-virgin eyes,' that would be weird."

"What happened?" William pants. His hands are on his knees. He looks at the scene in front of him. Keith hastily covers himself up, and Eric just smirks from where he is. William smirks at Keith, causing him to bury his head in Eric's chest. Keith's face turns bright pink, while Eric just laughs at him and hugs Keith.

I hide behind William, clutching the back of his shirt in my hands.

"Make it go away! Make it go away!"

"Why are you guys still here? Couldn't you guys just shut the door and go away until we got back?" Keith asks.

"Do you want to join us?" Eric asks, smirking still.

"No! Mine!" I say, wrapping my hands around his waist and tugging him towards me. I poke my head around and behind him.

"Don't worry Luv, they're not my type." He says looking down at me, smiling. My nose scrunches, "Are you picturing your best friend, your brother, and your boyfriend having sex?" He asked me, my eyes grew wide; Yes, they mentioned it. Not my fault my imagination is active.

"No," I say, turning around and walking towards the living room.

"What are you doing here?" Eric asks me. He was walking into the living room, tugging his shirt down. Keith walks down after him, slightly pouting. Eric looks at him, winking. Keith only blushes.

"It's your birthday..." I trailed off, "we were going to take you out for your birthday."

"Aw...thanks! You didn't have to! This is going to be the best birthday present ever!"

"Hey!" Keith protested.

"I'm sorry baby, I loved your birthday present! All seven of them."

Keith blushed, "Six and a half, the seventh one got interrupted."

Eric gives me a pointed look, and a bitter smile. "Don't worry love, we can finish the seventh one later." My cheeks heat up. "Where's William?"

"Right here." He says coming up from behind me and enveloping me. I rest my head against him.

"I want pickles." William smiles at me.

"What kind of pickles?"

"I don't know, I just want pickles." He laughs at me. I look over at the twins, who are talking with Keith. They are all smiling.

"Okay! Present time!" William says with a laugh. I look at him.

"I will have you know I hate nothing to do with this! It was all William!" I tell them honestly. Eric took the wrapped present from William. Eric looks over at Keith.

"How about you open it instead?" Eric said, looking at Keith. Eric sent a smirk over to William. Keith tears at the edge of the wrapping paper. He tears it down, only showing the front of the small box.

Keith's face turned bright red as he handed the box to Eric, crossing his arms on the table and plopping his head on them. Eric smiles at William, a slight laugh on his face. William nods at the box. Eric looks again, his eyes growing wide. Ripping off the rest of the paper in a frenzy, he glares at William.

"Extra small?" Eric exclaims, "Extra small? I'll let you know I'm not an extra small." I look confusedly at William.

"What is he talking about?" William smirks. Keith's face was red and hidden from all of us. Eric turned the box around and showed me. I glance at the box, before looking at William. My face scrunched and slowly turned red at my immediate reaction to them.

"Say it," Eric says. I glance at William, calmly taking a drink of his water.

"At least you have plenty for your three-way," I say in a small voice, my hand on William's leg. He choked on his water, looking over at me. Keith's head flew up, and looked at me, his eyes wide.

Eric leans on his elbows and looks at me.

"Would you like to join us?" He says with my eyebrows raised. My breathing hitches, as I look at him.

"B-B-But he's my brother." They all lean on the table, looking at me, and then each other, and then back to me. My eyes grew wide, I crossed my legs at the thought of it, hiding behind the curtain of my hair.

I look up at them, "Aren't you both gay?" I ask them, and they look at each other and roll their eyes.

"We would make an exception for you!" They exclaim together.

"No thanks." I told them, realizing that they were all joking, "Eric, how long have you been seeing Keith? Because this is completely out of the blue."

"A little bit after we were introduced to each other, and it's not out of the blue. It was supposed to be a secret!" One of them explained.

"Mama," Allen suddenly said, "What's a three-way?" My eyes widened as I looked at William, then I smiled.

"Your turn. I explained the last one." William looks at the boys and whispers something into their ear. Allen and Alek pout.

"What did you tell them?" I ask him. William smiles.

"That they will understand when they are older." I narrowed my eyes on him, the cheater. I lean on my arms and take a deep breath.

"I want a milkshake," I said suddenly.

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