Dinner Time and Dream(pt1)

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Y/n POV:
As Camilo runs off I look over to see a girl that's somewhat looks a lot like him looking back at me with a weird smile like she knew something I didn't. I hate when people do that. We all walked into the dinner room mostly everyone was there I sat next to a girl who looks around my age.

She had green glasses and a very colorful outfit. She introduced herself as Mirabel. We talked a lot and laughed at some of the things we said we both like books. She was a nice girl but I keep noticing Camilo looking at me with a small weird smile oh his.

I got up to wash my plate passing Camilo and the girl that's looks like him. Is that his older sister? I ask myself. Then something happened under my feet. The house was moving on its own?!?!

"The house it's ALIVE?!?" I thought to myself right before I hit the ground an arm saved me I looked up to see Camilo one of his hand on my waist another holding my plate so it didn't break. I could see the smug smile on his face as if he was happy yet being a cabrón and the girl giving us a little smile.

Camilo POV:

I smiled at him knowing he was a bit embarrassed due to some pink on his face. Sadly I couldn't just stay there with him like this abuela was glaring at me. As I took both of our plates to the sink I ran back to Y/n taking his hand and ran upstairs into my room before he could say anything.

Y/n and I chatted for a long time before he had to go. I hate to say it but it hurt seeing him leave with his family. I wish he could have stayed longer then I realized... am I gay? I thought to myself before running into my room.

As I got to my bed I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n..
I relaxed on my back looking
up. As I drifted away from reality thinking of him.

I opened my eyes to see Y/n standing out in the rain... but why is he just standing there? Where am I? And who is that man walking to Y/n? I watch as the man walked to him.. he seem to be the same age him I couldn't move my body was frozen to the surface of the earth and I couldn't speak. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Something was happening and it wasn't going to be good.

Total words: 442

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