Caught (4)

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Wanna know what exactly happened?
Let me tell you the story about how everyone saw Cale's genuine smile and laugh

After his nice afternoon nap he strolled around the house checking up on everyone but the others does not know that he is, they just know that this is Cale's habit after sleeping all day to excersize his weak body
It is Cale we are talking about he would never tell them

As he did he stopped at the table where the kids are having a little chat
"Cale!" "Cale!" "Human!" The three exclaimed "What are you guys doing?" Asked Cale
"We are just having an afternoon snack!" "Granpa Ron told us he will be back!" The kids replied while On just nodded her head as approval

Cale sat down then had tea with the kids and for the first time it is in fact afternoon tea and not lemonade
The red-head just sat there while crunching on some cookies listening to the children averaging 10 years old interacting
After a while they talked about something that blowed up their minds when Cale replied

"Cale! We aren't like that right?"
"Yes you are! Right human?"
"No we are not just a little bit, right?"
The kids kept arguing but when they looked toward Cale the so called commander was smiling at them fondly and genuinely he then laughed a little then answered them
"I guess you guys are sometimes, you guys are still adorable though" then Cale smiled unkowingly
And "luckily" Raon's magic is so incredible that they got it on video.

(Cale has longer hair about up to his waist) (The photo at the top is the photo I am talking about)

The kids just went silent while having slightly red ears from embarrassment
Cale looked at them curiously
They all swallowed their food and drinks then ran away saying
"We'll talk to you later human! We have a very important thing that we forgot to do!"
"Yeah! So just stay there."
"Yeah! It is very urgent!"
They ran away leaving a questioning Cale behind

Unkown to Cale they had shown, copied and recorded the moment they all thought was not impossible but rare to see
Cale's smile, laugh and honest feelings


Hong: Please pour me tea, Noona

On: Sure
On pours some tea on Hong's teacup

Raon: Hyung, Noona!

Hong: Yes Dongsaeng?

On: Hm?

Raon: I heard someone last time that they said you guys are vicious

Hong: We are not though?

On: Just a tinsy bit I guess
You too Raon, you can be a little vicious sometimes too

Raon and Hong gasp while On rolled her eyes

Raon: Let's ask Cale then!

On: Cale! We aren't like that right?

Hong: Mhm!

Raon: Yes you are! Right human?

On: No we are not just a little bit, right?

Hong: Noooo!

Raon: Granpa Ron is much more vicious!

On: We are still though, just a little bit
After that Cale responded and his smile was caught

AHAHAHAHahahaha... I totally did not forgot to post the remaining parts 😅
Okay I did, sorry I will continue posting it now enjoy!

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