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(A/N) This story is inspired by Scott Cawthon's horror games and books, Five Nights at Freddy's. Thank you for reading!
TRIGGER WARNINGS - not very much but if you don't like scary things i don't recommend reading!

"I swear! I saw it! It has to be real!" The man stood above a table in his kitchen, angered that no one paid any attention to the facts of his case. His witness stared down at the redwood table with a blank expression, emotion void behind her eyes. The man kept rambling on and on, irritating the police officer.

"Enough!" The officer exclaimed, quickly following with, "Sir, this case does not seem logical. Have you maybe considered that you were under the influence of any alcohol or drugs at the time of the incident? This may have had an impact on how you perceive things that night."

"No! I'm not crazy! I'll prove it! Ashley can!" The man pointed down to the teenager sitting next to him, her head lifting when she sensed that the conversation had turned to her. She now had an uncomfortable look in her features, her displeased expression alarming the officer.

"What?" Ashley asked, trying to recall what they said.

"Prove it! Prove that you saw what I saw that night!"

The girl stared, not a sound escaping her mouth.

"Come on! I need this! I need to prove that they're real."

"I... I can't. I didn't see it. I'm sorry."

The man was shocked. He stared at her with tears of anger burning in his eyes.

"You... you lied?" She hung her head in shame.

"I didn't want to make you mad. You were going crazy. I was just... taking a walk through the woods, and you ran up to me and... and asked me if I saw it. I didn't know what it was, so I figured I'd just play along. I'm sorry."

The man froze in place, his eyes filling with so many emotions at once it was hard to tell how he was feeling. He slowly lifted his head to look at Ashley, insanity absorbing his features and his mouth twisting into a grimace.

"You lied to me. You made me look insane. You disgusting-"

The officer stood up, raising his hands and motioning for the man to sit down.

"Mister Colman, please. This is just a small misunderstanding. There is no reason for name calling or incompetence. Now-"

"Wait," Ashley interrupted, her eyes widening in realization, "why were you in the woods to begin with? I was just taking a walk to get away from my crappy family, but what were you doing?"

The officer rolled his eyes in boredom. "Miss, I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this. Perhaps he was just taking a stroll, same as y-"

"No! I was looking for the monster!"

"The one that's in the woods, you know?" The officer shook his head. "The sentient r-"

Clang. Clang. Clang.

The man was cut off mid-sentence, a metallic pounding coming from the back door. The room was quiet.

Nobody dared to move.




Mr. Colman slowly stepped towards the back, about to peer behind the wall, but the officer snapped his fingers once, motioning to himself. Come back.

He walked backwards to his seat, staring at the officer the whole time. The officer brought his hand to his gun, pulling it out of the holster and aiming it towards the wall. He hesitantly and silently stepped towards the back door, every so often glancing back to the two at the table to make sure they weren't moving.



The last sound was different and set apart.


A wave of shock flew over the kitchen, followed by silence. The three eventually realized that the sound was the wall being smashed through.

The officer edged closer to the wall, peering over the corner. What he saw absolutely terrified him beyond what he thought possible.

The officer finally put together what Mr. Colman was about to say.

The sentient robot was right in front of them, standing in Mr. Colman's living room.

When the officer finally gained some control of his thoughts, he observed that it was shiny and white, with accents of blue and green on the legs, arms, face, and stomach. It was covered in scratches, dirt, and a few branches were stuck in its joints. The bright green eyes sent shivers down the officer's spine.

The officer turned back to the group. The other two were immediately panic-stricken when the officer's face looked like he had seen a ghost. He didn't make eye contact with either of them.

"What's ha-" The officer interrupted Mr. Colman with a look of alarm. The officer nodded at Mr. Colman, signaling that it's here.

It took four pounding steps, examining its surroundings in jerky, broken movements. Everyone in the kitchen stood as still as an insect in amber.

It stepped forward stiffly, as if it wasn't sure it was in the right place. Mr. Colman sure as hell hoped it wasn't.

A tear rolled down Ashley's right cheek. She couldn't die today. She had so much left to do. She hadn't even made a bucket list. Loads of things she still wanted to do immediately rolled into her mind. She always wanted a dog. She didn't even have a job yet. She-

Ashley's thoughts were interrupted when the animatronic stepped into view. Silent tears fell down her face, one after the other. She was paralysed out of shock and amazement that the man wasn't insane. Mr. Colman's eyes were glued on the animatronic, the officer's on Ashley with a sympathetic gaze. He thought of his wife at home and his two sons. What he would give, just to spend five more minutes with them. Five minutes to tell them how much he loves them.

A piercing light shone over the group. The animatronic swung an arm towards them.

All they could see was red.


(A/N) I hope you enjoyed this! I had lots of fun writing it and look forward to anything you have to say. I don't usually write many fan stories anymore but this one struck a chord with me. The new game is so wild and awesome!!!

Have a wonderful new year :)

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