Chapter2; Enemy or Friend??

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~Sonic pov~

School was as boring as ever,

~flash back~

"All right everybody I hope you managed to get down enough notes to revise for the exam in two days..." The teacher began as she was cut off by the sound of the students, "Aww come on!?" "Now don't give me that I have giving you enough warnings over the weeks now get going!" She ordered as the bell rang and everyone rushing for the door. "Sonic a moment plz" She said sitting at her desk 'great what now??' I thought to myself in frustration I then took a seat at the desk in front of hers."Sonic..." she began,"I noticed you were asleep again during the lesson, now I've said countless of times Sonic this isn't good enough you need to pay attention in class in order to achieve your best" "I know miss I'm sorry" I replied as she gave me a worried look which made me worry a little too."Are you getting enough sleep at home??" She asked curiously and I just gave her a simple answer,"Yes miss no need to worry."
"All right then..." she said "Now you get off to home as well" "Ok see ya" I yelled as ran out the door...

~End of flash back~

'Man why are teachers always sticking there noses where they don't belong??'
I asked my self walking down the park when I heard rustling in the bushes,
"Who goes there?!?" I shouted to the bushes and a few moments later I saw a figure step out from hiding and began to laugh and cringed at who it was,
"Haha well hello there blue, out for little wall in the park?" "Scourge, what do you want?" I hissed as he walked closer, I wasn't particularly fond of him as he thought himself to be better than everyone else and that pissed me off.


~Scourge pov~

The way Sonic reacted when saw me was very amusing but he was just so sexy that I couldn't hold back any more so I grabbed his arms and pinned him against a tree and leaned in closer,"W-what are y-you doing??" He asked stuttering his words as he did and before he could say anything else I closed the gap between us as my lips connected with his he was obviously shocked but kept his lips shut tight only making me want him more. I moved one hand to his leg to stroke it, still keeping a tight grip of his arms with the other, as I did so he started to shiver and get a bit week kneed and that's when I put my leg in the middle of his to support him and while he was getting weaker I used this chance to slip my tongue passed his lips and he started to let out small moans.

~Sonic pov~

I couldn't process what was happening quick enough as he slipped his tongue in my mouth and I let out quiet moans,"S-sto-p" I managed to squeak out when he stopped kissing me and started to kiss my neck 'This is my chance!' I thought to myself as gathered what ever strength I had to scream "HELP MEE!!!!"

~Shadow pov~

I was board and decided on taking a little stroll in the park when I heard a familiar sound, "HELP MEE!!!" Someone screamed as I instantly recognised the voice it belonged to that blue idiot Sonic and I chaos controlled to where the sound was coming from and I saw something that I didn't expect to see tonight. It was Scourge who had Sonic pinned up against a tree, kissing him and stroking his leg and Sonic had a look of fear in his eyes which for some reason drove me all the way up the wall, I've never felt so pissed."WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!!?" I yelled as I ran up to them and before he could say anything I kicked Scourge in the back of his head knocking him out when Sonic fell to the floor breathing heavily, "You ok faker??" I asked as he looked at me with confusion and was about to say something before he collapsed in my arms completely exhausted I guess so I picked him up and carried him home.

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