Chapter 16

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I wake up only to find the other side of the bed empty. All of the covers are on the floor and there's a cool breeze coming through the window. I'm cold, but I'm also too lazy to leave my bed to grab the covers, so I just lie there.

After maybe twenty minutes of lying in bed, my phone starts to ring. Since it's right on my bedside table, I reach for it and look at the caller ID. It's Harry, calling from England.

"Go awaaaaaay," I groan.

"Nooooo," Harry mocks my whiny voice.

I figure that this is my cue to get up, so I leave my bed, pull on a sweatshirt, and head into the kitchen.

"Honestly, Harry, this is not a good time. Just call me back later," I pout, but I'm cut off by his question.

"Is there a Mr. James Rodriguez in your house?"

"No," I answer and he sighs. "Harry, what do you want?"

"Well, I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but I talked to your brother last night..."

"Oh no," I interrupt. "I see where this is going. You talked to Gareth and he convinced you to yell at me for being with James against his will. I got it Harry! And if you actually agreed to that, I swear I won't talk to you at all."

"Woah! Not so fast. You didn't let me finish!" He starts. "Yes, Gareth and I talked last night, and he wanted me to try and talk you out of it, but I refused. I told him that I wasn't going to get involved in this, and he should do it himself if he was really so intent on keeping you two apart, but he didn't want to do that either."

"Why?" I ask.

"Oh, he's giving you the silent treatment. He thinks that if he doesn't talk to you for awhile, you'll go running back to your family where you belong." I'm about to yell at him for saying such a thing, when he finishes, "Your brother's words, not mine."

I laugh dryly. "Classic Gareth. He doesn't get what he wants, so he tries to turn my best friend against me."


"What is it? Please don't say you agree with him."

"Well... I kind of do. Not in the sense that you should just dump James, that's a bad idea, I can see how much you care about him. But you should try and introduce Gareth to the concept that you two should be together. I mean, I don't want to speak for you, but I wouldn't date someone if it would mean losing a family member. Not unless they were really something special. But it isn't my decision, it's yours. I just suggest that you talk to Gareth."

"Ugh, Harry! I can't believe this! You said you didn't want to get involved, and then you tell me that!" I complain. "And just for the record, James is something special. I've never met another guy like him."

"Okay, okay!" He says defensively, "I'm not suggesting that you two shouldn't be together-"

"Whatever," I interrupt and hang up the phone angrily. I can't believe he would actually side with Gareth. He's my best friend, he's supposed to be there for me!

Harry tries to call again multiple times while I'm making breakfast, but I decline each one of them. I don't want to talk to him right now.

At around 2 in the afternoon, James texts me asking if he can come over after training. I tell him yes, and sure enough, an hour later, he's at my doorstep.

We make sandwiches for dinner, because neither of us feels like cooking.

"So, how was training today?" I ask as we sit down to eat.

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