[4] Kai {3}

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Character: Kai Hiawtari

Other: Brooklyn's sister.

Warning: Blood?

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Y/n was known as the sweet, quiet, innocent sister of Brooklyn. The boy was protective over her, though so was Garland. The boy saw her as another sister.

Y/n watched proudly as Brooklyn was training with Garland. The orange-haired boy was barely trying.

Both boys were smiling as they realised their biggest fan was watching them. Y/n would always be by their side, no matter what happened. That's what they thought, they never knew that one boy would make her cheer for him instead of them.

~ * ~ 

Y/n was walking through the park during one of the rare times she was left alone. The boys had to practice, even Brooklyn, who didn't see the point. He was naturally gifted in the art of Beyblade.

The girl decided to walk through the park, enjoying the sounds of children playing, the Beyblade battle happening not too far away. She found the sounds relaxing.

After walking around the park, she decided to sit by a tree, not too far from a Beyblade battle. It was the greatest decision of her life.

"Look out!"

Y/n barely had time to blink as a Beyblade went flying towards her. She put her hands out, covering her face, though that only made the metal cut her hand. She put down her hand, watching as blood began to fall from the wound.

Three figures appeared in front of the girl, one smiling sheepishly, another worried, the third seemed unbothered.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit his Beyblade so hard," the blonde boy, Max, said, still smiling sheepishly. He felt awful for hitting the girl, even if it was unintentional.

"May I see your hand?" the dark-haired boy, Ray, asked. She put her hand out, allowing him to examine it. "It seems fine, though it needs to be cleaned." He looked at the final boy, Kai, the one who seemed unbothered by the whole situation. "Do you have the bandages?"

Kai mumbled something inaudible to Ray, who nodded his head. "We'll leave Kai to clean you up. We're sorry," Ray repeated before he and Max went back to their battle.

Y/n looked at the boy, Kai, who crouched down in front of her. "Give me your hand." He wasn't nice like the other two boys, he was hostile. "You-you don't have to do anything," Y/n stuttered out.

A small smirk appeared on Kai's face at her soft voice. She seemed terrified of the boy. Good. It meant she had a brain.

"And receive a lecture from Ray? I'll pass," he mumbled, though she still heard.

She gave him her hand, hissing as he wiped the dried blood, cleaning the wound. She couldn't help but watch him concentrate as he wiped, then wrapped up her hand. He was an attractive boy, his violet eyes not once flickering to her.

Once he was done, their eyes met. He couldn't help but find her eyes a beautiful colour. Yes, she was attractive, not that he'd admit it out loud, but her eyes were beyond stunning.

"Thank you," she whispered, breaking away from his gaze. He nodded his head before getting up. "Just be careful, not everyone would help you as we did." Kai looked back at his team, noticing Ray's eyes flickering between his battle and the two interacting. He was protecting the girl, meaning he wasn't focused.

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