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"I know I came from a no manners group in our campus but I promise I will change for you...Idk when this feeling come but I think I accidently fall in love with you" Yoongi. Lisa stare in his eyes to find a lie but there's none.

He take a deep breath "Will you be my girlfriend?" Yoongi. Lisa were speechless. She don't know how to answer. On the other side she don't wanna get scolded by her parent. And on the other side she likes him too.

"I-I like you too but...my parent just arranged my marriage" Lisa. Now he felt hurt. Really hurt and his confident get less "H-have you meet the family?" Yoongi "N-nee...the dinner were a dinner with his family" Lisa "Who is it?" Yoongi

"I-its one of your friends..." Lisa "Who is it?" Yoongi sharpen his word "T-the one you met earlier...actually I have a dinner with his family" Lisa "What do you say on it?" Yoongi "I said to give me time" Lisa. Yoongi let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry" Lisa look down "No its okay, you didn't say anything yet...I will talk to your parent" Yoongi "Nee?! No! You won't talk to them! You don't know how strict they're!" Lisa

"Hey its okay...you know if someone love a girl their have to try hard to get them" Yoongi hold her hand and rub it. Lisa let out a sigh "But-" "Its okay" Yoongi "Kajja" Yoongi pull her.

Their take a cable car to go down.

She go out from her apartment without having breakfast. She go to their school really early.


AT THE SCHOOLShe get in the school at 7 AM

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She get in the school at 7 AM. She go to the dance studio at 3rd floor far from thr classrooms. She enter her private studio look around "Its been awhile" Lisa while look around. She feel really down and don't have any mood today.

She look at the computer and a speakers where their use for dancing and put down her bag. She go there and pick a song.

She decided to dance to released all her stressness. That's how she release her stress. With dancing. After picking song she likes she go to the center and start to dance. Making new choreography.

  After dancing to the song she go and pick another song.

She kept dancing to other songs. She already felt exhausted but she don't want to stop. She kept dancing. Her tears already run out from her eyes.

"LALISA!!" Suddenly someone shouted her name.

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