Malivore e5

141 3 13

When me and hope woke up we got called down for a meeting we got dressed and went to the grand Hall

Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future.  And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this schools policies,  it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So I am forming an honor council. Dr saltzman explained

One vampire, one witch and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our schools counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students. Now I have to go off campus. In the mean time I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. Your dismissed. Dr saltzman said

After the meeting I waited for hope stop talking to Dr saltzman

Hey babe what's wrong I asked

I have to test to see if Landon is supernatural so we can't hang out today hope said

Oh ok I said a little disappointed

You gonna be okay hope asked

Um... Yeah I'll just wait in Dr saltzmans office with you then go hang out with the wolves I said

Okay she said then we went to Dr saltzmans office

We both sat in a chair but hope was on my lap and I had my hands on her stomach and my head was leaning on her shoulder and hope was playing with some test tubes that were on the desk then we heard the door open but we payed no attention

What are you two doing here? I heard Landon say

Then hope got off my lap so I got up and went to the place Dr saltzman kept the vampire blood for me I got a blood bag and put the blood in a cup

Dr saltzman wanted me to administer your tests, starting with some weird mystical blood analysis. Hope said and I stood next to hope

No. Landon said

Excuse me I said to Landon

No. These tests determine whether or not I get to stay at the school, right Landon asked and hope nodded

There is no way I'm putting my future in her hands; she's biased. Landon said to me

I will break your neck I said

I'm not biased. Besides neither of us has a choice. Believe me, this is not how I would choose to spend my day either. I would rather hang out with Sam hope said

See? Biased. Landon said and turned to leave

Landon. Hope called out and Landon turned around" last thing you told me was that you wanted to find answers about who you or what you are. I want those answers too. So let's just get through this. Hope said

Okay well I'm gonna go to the wolves I'll see you later I said to hope and kissed her cheek then put my cup on Dr saltzmans desk and left

Is that human blood Landon asked hope

No vampire blood it keeps her in control hope said

An hour later with Sam

Me and Jed were side by side as wolves ran up to us

I then threw a wolf into a bench and turned towards Jed we high-fived

All right, me and Jed got a medieval history paper due at 2:00 who's on that? I asked the wolves

I'll do it Rafael said " but I need a favor. Rafael added walking over to me and Jed

You've been in the pack for five minutes, and you want a favor from your alpha? Jed said

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