Chapter Two

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"Hello. My name is Emerson Vanzaro. I just moved to here a few weeks ago. And you are?..." He asks me as he steadies me and then drops his muscular arms to his sides.

Still frozen, I stare into his beautiful eyes, "my name is.. Thea... Uhh I mean um Thea Rae Creely..." I somehow manage to stutter out.

Who is this guy? He is stunningly handsome... With his dark down hair and pale blue eyes. I suddenly peel my gaze away from his face, my cheeks flush bright red. Why did I have to make a complete fool out of myself?! I'm sure he noticed me staring at him. But in all honesty, he's probably used to getting stared at by all the girls.

I glance back up, looking at the lopsided grin that is now plastered on his face. His eyes seemed to brighten in amusement.

"It was incredibly nice to meet you Thea." He comments in an angelic tone. "But sadly I should be off to class now. I don't want to be late on my first day here. I will see you around sometime." It wasn't a question.

"Oh yeah of course. I'll see you soon."

As he turns to walk away he winks at me.

Now I'm sure my face was burning red. I can't help but stare at him from behind. His movements are so graceful and something about him is mysterious. I was captivated.

I'm seriously looking forward to getting to know him.

A sudden bell brings me back to reality. Crap. Two minutes before class starts. I turn and rush off towards east.


When I arrive a minute later, I notice Kira and Hayden standing outside of the class room waiting for me. Hayden looks at me with a questioning look on her face.

I rush to them, embracing them into a group hug. I let go eventually as the three of us head into the classroom to take our seats.

Once we plop down at desks near the front of the room, Hayden turns her full attention on to me.

"Why are your cheeks bright red?" She questioned with a grin spreading across her face.

My skin on my face flares up again even brighter as I quickly explain my encounter with Emerson this morning to my two best friends while they listen intently. I realize that as I talk about him, I feel all fuzzy inside. How could that one moment with him have such a large effect on me?

When I finished my story, Kira pipes up. "Sounds just like you to run into someone!! He sounds like he's your Prince Charming Thea! I'm kind of jealous." Before she quickly adds, "maybe he has a hot brother. Or a hot twin!"

I chuckle lightly. The bell chimes signaling the start of class and our conversation about Emerson comes to a stop for now.

Mrs. Latett stands at the front of the room; a smile spreads across her kind face as she greets the class. She swiftly welcomes the new freshmen students before informing us all how the study period was going to be laid out. After calling roll she pulls a stack of papers from her desk and starts passing out everyone's class schedules.

"Pleasure to see you again Thea," Mrs. Latett says as I get handed my schedule.

"Very nice to see you too" I say back as I flash her a bright smile.

My eyes return to the paper I had been handed, quickly scanning over the classes. Senior English, AP calculus, study period, Biotechnology, lunch, government, AP biology, and art. Yay my schedule hadn't changed.

I glance to Kira and Hayden, asking if either of their schedules had been changed. They both informed me that they hadn't. Yay!

Besides study period, I had biology, calculus and biotech with Hayden. I also had senior English and government with Kira. Having them in my classes definitely made school more fun.

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