Chapter Three

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Emerson saunters over to me and my two best friends. "Thea!" He exclaims in utter excitement. "It's good to see you again." He quickly acknowledges Kira and Hayden with a smile and a quick "hello, it's nice to meet you both. I'm Emerson."

Hayden, as calm and collected as always, smiles widely back at him. "Hey nice to meet you! My name is Hayden and this," she gestures to her right, "is Kira."

Kira's jaw was still open as wide as it could go. At the mention of her name she is able to compose herself slightly. Although she manages to shut her gaping mouth, her eyes still sparkle in wonder. "Yup! I am Kira. That would be me. I am Kira, Kira I am! ... Wow that really works better with the name Sam."

Please stop talking, please stop talking.... Please. My mind repeats over and over.

But no...
No such luck.
"Maybe I should change my name to Sam!! Like Samantha. But go by Sam!"

I roll my eyes at her making sure Emerson notices. However that is not the end to my embarrassment. Just when I didn't think it could get any worse... It did.... Kira bluntly spits out "So, since you and Thea are already sooo close," wink "do you have any siblings? A sexy brother perhaps?!"

Right this moment I wish a hole would appear in the ground and suck me away, saving me from embarrassment.

As I gaze at Emerson with an apologetic look, I almost think a hint of remorse flashes in his eyes momentarily, but it's gone so fast that I must have imagined it. His gorgeous lips curl at the corners because of my friend's outgoing personality.

Wow. I bet it would feel really nice to kiss those lips.. Okay.. Stop now Thea.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I do not have any siblings," Emerson mutters in that amazing voice.

Kira fake pouts. "Lame! Oh well I'm still excit---"

Before she can finish her sentence I cut her off. I have a feeling I know where she was going with that one... And I didn't want to put him on the spot. Not after the two of us just met this morning. We are friends. I'm happy with that. For now, my uncontrollable mind thinks. "I apologize for its erratic behavior. It's not always the sharpest crayon in the box."

"And there are A LOT of crayons in that box," Hayden adds.

The two of us break out in hysterical laughter and Emerson joins in. Kira, on the other hand, is glaring at us... If looks could kill, I would definitely be buried in my final resting place right this instant.

Laughter dies down, but tears have managed to form in the corner of my eyes. Hayden reaches out, grabs Kira's hand and squeezes I reassuringly. We both love our crazy blonde even when she's weird as hell.

Kira responds by sticking her tongue out like a child but at least the death glare disappears. Hay tugs her arm lightly and motions in the direction of her locker. The two girls say goodbye to Emerson and promise to catch up with me later as they head to Hayden's locker. I quickly walk to mine and notice Emerson is following closely behind. Good.

"Which locker is yours Thea?"

"Locker 219" I inform him. I quickly dial in the code and pull it open. Shoving my lunch bag on the shelf before shutting it again.

A crooked grin lights up his face immediately. "No way! We are locker neighbors! I'm in 220. I'm glad. I'll be seeing you around often then."

My face flushes red. Why does it always have to do that?? Unfortunately, he notices the color change too.....

"You know, you're really adorable when you blush like that." Brighter red... He simply chuckles at my reaction.

"Well. Uhm.. Uhh. Thanks." I stutter. Smooooth... way to go Thea... Score one for awkwardness..

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