Chapter Nine

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Nine: To Plan A Meeting, To Reveal Unsaid Secrets

A chill breeze nestled the leaves of nearby branches of trees. It was finally winter and the chillness that the season brought along was unbearable to the people of England. White, tiny flakes of snow often accompanied the cold weather.

Harry Potter sat in front of the crackling fire in the fireplace of his new rented flat in muggle London. He had long since given up on living in the Wizarding World as much as he liked the world and all the magic it held. When he mentioned of this decision to the Weasleys, several took the news as a positive one, the exception being Mrs Weasley. She was worried about him getting more thinner than he already was. Harry chuckled and hugged her to reassure that he will eat his meals regularly. Though the Weasley matriarch disagreed, she had no choice than to let Harry on his path. After all, the ministry was too erratic to believe. Besides that, Harry had one more good reason to stay in muggle London - finding Ginny. Not nemo though. He did not need a fish to take care of. Yes, he had to find Ginny and apologize to her. Later, he would see if she would agree to marry him again. Of course he needed money for all of that.

With that in mind, he rented an apartment and joined a company by name 'Smithson and Co.' as the receptionist. Unfortunately, he did not take arithmancy to know more about numbers to become an accountant. Sure, he knew basic maths such as addition and multiplication but he didn't know much about statistics and accountancy as such.

Smithson and Co. was a wonderful company to work in. Though he struggled initially, he managed to learn being a fair receptionist. He even heard the talk of his promotion once or twice due to his efficiency.

Most of his co-workers were brilliant and cooperative; they were ready to guide him and teach him but there were few who Harry disliked. One lady in particular. She looked about the same age as him but her mouth stretched from UK to the US. She was way too cocky and flirty for her own good. Harry hated the awkward times when he had to deliver a document or two to her due to her watchful stare. She would keep batting her eyelashes rather than get the blasted document signed. This annoyed Harry a lot that he was surprised at himself for not bursting out about this. He tried to maintain a safe distance and talk to Kathy (some name like that) only when it was required.

Besides Kathy, Harry had seen another intriguing lady who turned away whenever he saw her. She was fair and had short red hair which oddly resembled to that of the Weasleys. Harry even wondered if it was his witch. He tried his best to catch her red-handed or rather, red-haired but always failed. No matter what, that lady disappeared as soon as he walked into the same room. She looked younger than him, for sure. Perhaps, she was just too decent not to stare at anyone. . .? Maybe she was married. . .Or what if it was literally Ginny trying to avoid him. He did not know how to answer that.

It was a Sunday and Harry had no job to worry about, no paperwork either but that was bothering him. . . Harry had turned into a workaholic ever since he was released from Azkaban. He was one prior to his arrest too but not as much as he was now. He worked most of the time to clear his mind off of negative things. Keeping himself and his brain occupied was something which helped him to avoid negative thoughts and nightmares. That was true. Harry still had his nightmares. He dreamt of the War, the day when he was arrested, Ginny's face of disbelief and grief when he confessed to the Wizengamot of the 'crime' he committed and lastly, his most hated one for now - Death Eaters killing Ginny. That was too hard to even ponder about. It was a fact that death eaters still roamed about in the Wizarding World. No matter how hard Harry tried not to admit it, it was true that he feared for Ginny's and his life. Ginny's more than his. He never cared about his life in the first place but this time, he did because he wanted to live for someone special if that someone would take him back, that is.

Harry sighed deeply, rubbing his throbbing temples. He looked up and saw the lone photo that decorated his study. The photo of Harry and Ginny in their early years of being a couple. It was taken unbeknownst to them whilst they were enjoying each other's company on the banks of the Hogwarts Black Lake. Ron had confessed on Harry's bachelor night that he burrowed Collin Creevey's camera and asked Hermione to take a snap of the couple. Though it angered Harry that their privacy was invaded back then, he shrugged it off for the sake of the beautiful redhead in the same photo. The doorbell rang, snapping Harry out of his train of thought. He shook himself and stood up to get the door.

When he did, he was surprised to see his co-worker, Iliana Sallow who had guided him around the office and the work the first day of his job.

"Good day, Miss Sallow. May I help you?" Harry asked, politely.

"Good day, Mr Potter. I am afraid yes. I need your help for something," Iliana Sallow said tentatively. Harry nodded and opened his door to let her in. Miss Sallow walked in timidly and when Harry offered her a chair, she sat down.

"Do you need anything to eat? Maybe, tea?" Harry asked.

"No, thank you, sir. I am here for work," Miss Sallow said and Harry nodded.

"What can I do for you, madam?"

"Tomorrow is a grand day for our company. A renowned brand is planning to make a contract with us and therefore, you will be asked to be a part of the presentation which our company gives." Harry nodded in acknowledgement. "You don't have to do anything, you just have to make sure everything is perfect including the working of the systems and air conditioner. Normally, Madam Lithuvika would have asked the peon to do it but given that the peon is on temporary leave, you and I have to manage the setting up part. Will you help me?" Miss Sallow asked.

"Sure, when am I supposed to be present in the office?" Harry asked.

"Eight in the morning. The representatives are coming in at eleven and we will have four hours to prepare everything."

"Sounds okay," Harry agreed. Miss Sallow nodded.

After about thirty minutes of discussion, Harry offered to make some tea for his guest. Although reluctant, Iliana agreed and Harry left for the kitchen. 

Iliana looked around the neat flat of Harry Potter. It did not contain much furniture or decor and was very simple and perfect for a bachelor. The sound of the fire crackling in the fireplace was some what soothing to the young lady until she set her eyes on a photograph. Her eyes narrowed at the people present in the photograph. Two familiar faces. One of Harry and the other of a red haired girl. The girl seemed very familiar to the receptionist but she couldn't place who it was. She observed the photo with keen interest, spotting freckles which were oddly familiar. Iliana almost knew the answer when Harry came in. When he noticed her looking at the photograph, he smiled longingly at the photograph.

"Umm. . . Mr Potter, may I ask you a personal question?" Iliana asked.

"Sure, Miss Sallow. I shall try my best to answer."

Iliana nodded and pointed a finger at the photograph. "It's lovely. May I know who that young girl is?" she asked. Harry's cheeks tinged pink.

"Err. . . She is a c-close friend of mine," Harry stuttered. Iliana nodded looking convinced. Harry smiled in relief that she had taken the lie.

After a cup of tea and a short discussion, the young receptionist left the wizard's house. As soon as she did, Harry slumped into a nearby chair. He wanted to tell her that the young girl was none other than his wife but he could not. Why? Because she wasn't his wife anymore. At least, legally. Deep down, she was still his wife. That's what he thought. . .

Mmm, did you like this chapter? Iliana's full name is Iliana Sallow. Since most of the chapter was from Harry's perspective, I addressed her as Miss Sallow (I feel Harry is too polite to call anyone by their first name). What do you think?

Anyways, Thank you for reading this chapter! Good day!

Miyoko x

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