New uniforms

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It was a rather humid day in Wellington Wells, yet the Constables braced themselves for the usual day of shift and patrol.
The Bobbies as most people know, work a half-day shift, then go on their lunch break around 12:15 and start again at 13:30. This until the evening, where at the end of the day, there is the change with the Night Watchers. That said, the Constables went out to their daily grind, greeting people, beating down any Downers, and keeping company with old ladies who feel lonely. Everything seemed to be going well, but that day, the entire career of agents was about to turn upside down: there was news in the air.
As soon as the general patrol was over, all the Bobbies were summoned to the meeting room for an important notice. Some officers entering noticed John Constable taking his seat and were stunned: why wasn't he on patrol? He was the most successful Night Watcher at Constabulary. Something was changing and they felt it. After about half an hour of chatter the door to the room opened and Constable Reynolds, the subordinate of the Executive Committee, entered. Everyone fell silent. The man in the white uniform eyed them nervously
- I have something important to communicate - He cleared his throat.
- A charity collection again? Agent Murphy asked dryly. -I will not start cooking pastries again to buy people's humility- he crossed his arms.
Reynolds gave him a bad look, but it was clear that there was no mention of another charity collection.
-No Murphy, and in any case if it had been I would have invited Constable Rossetti's wife, she makes a good cake, you can save your muffins. As I said new volunteer positions have been created, we thought it was a good idea to communicate this and that's also why you see John Constable sitting here with us, we lifted him off his shift on purpose-
- Is it something profitable? -
John asked with his usual calm. When they heard his voice, everyone fell silent. The Constabulary knew him as one of the more patient Bobbies, but they had to be careful with their choice of words, for if he got angry he became a fury of nature.
Reynolds was shocked for a moment to hear his partner's voice.
- Um ... I don't know Jo, these posts are new and they are not signed by the Executive Committee, it's a new police regiment, I don't know their intentions well, I'm just a messenger. If there are volunteers among you, I will distribute these membership forms to you. If you want to join fill them in, otherwise ignore them. Last Notice: Requests must be made at Victorian Memorial Camp! Here, good continuation -
Everyone was baffled at the news: a new police regiment, in a military camp, in the Garden District, at the mercy of the Wastrels ... Brilliant. The Bobbies turned unconvinced glances.
- Wait a minute! What if they give us double ration of Blackberry? It could be a golden opportunity! - Constable Cozans exclaimed, entering a state of euphoria.
- Who tells ya instead that this is not a scam? - Constable Hunt interrupted.
- You always have to take people apart, don't you man? - Constable Bacon broke in. The situation was already degenerating, it was close to they slaughtering each other.
- I accept! - Said the Night Watcher suddenly. The fight was interrupted in the bud leaving only amazement.
- John! What if they are cheating on us? -.
- That's what I want to know, but you have to take the first step to find out, right? -
He replied with his impassive calm, as he pulled out a portable pen from his pocket, starting to fill out the form.

Time skip

- I KNEW IT WAS A SCAM !!! Hunt yelled hysterically. - First they tell us that we have to report to the military camp and we did, and then we go back to the Constabulary. Someone explain to me what the hell is going on? - he added.
- Maybe we start tomorrow or next week ... - Constable Rossetti observes. Constable Hunt snorts annoyed. In practice, all the Bobbies called up the night before had joined the program following John Constable closely. That day was the usual pain in the ass like any other, but with a new belief that they had been fooled. They never imagined what happened twenty-four hours later ...
The day of truth came for the fearless Bobbies. They stopped in the hall of the plant to stamp their cards and went as usual to the locker rooms to get into uniform. There to their great surprise they found the General Byng. - Good morning everyone - the man greeted them. - Hello - they replied almost in unison. The veteran looked them up and down and gave a half smile.
- I have received your requests - he said, then paused, showing the forms in his left hand.
- I am pleased to see that most of you fought at Ramsgate as a volunteer infantryman. Good times; I guess you were more or less the same age group, 18 to 26, right? -
- Yes sir -
- Very well gentlemen, I wanted to communicate that from now on you will be under my will, the Constabulary will take responsibility only if necessary. That said, I don't think you need any training, we'll go straight to the point, put on your new uniform and follow me - Byng explained, and left them alone with their thoughts.

- New uniforms? - John raised an eyebrow, the others frowned. Constable Rowland rubbed his temples, the others took Joy's double pill.
- I hate General Byng ... Holy shit ... Where are my pills? - Constable Bevan was about to have a nervous breakdown. The colleague, Officer Leighton gave him a pat on the back.
- Ok guys, relax and coold blood, what do you want it to be? - Constable Nash tried to encourage the group.
- I swear that after this experience I fired myself! - Says Hunt angrily.
They made another skit when they opened the lockers and saw the new uniforms.
- What the hell is this stuff? The discarded costumes of the Rio Carnival? Please shoot me! - Constable Morris was beside himself. - Hey guys, my hair has grown blue - Winston joked, putting on his new fringed helmet.
- Do you think we can ever go around dressed like this? - Murphy says as he pulls on his bulky boots.
- And do you think it is also normal that we have replaced the batons with a sword? - adds Constable Rossetti.
- How the hell do I wear this chest strap? - Cozans asks confused.
- The helmet, touches my nose, I have difficulty seeing. Damn it won't be easy ... - John said.

Shortly after: - Ah here they are my soldiers! Are you ready for your first day on call? - Asked the general jokingly.
- Are you joking ?-
The Bobbies looked at each other bewildered.
- Great, turn around, draw your swords and march - Byng ordered.
"This is a nightmare, I will soon wake up in my bed and go to Constabulary to start the patrol shift ..." Constable Hunt thought. Marching through the streets, the new Bobbies were immediately framed, between prying eyes and the giggles of the ladies. "Women, the circus is coming !!" Morris joked to himself.
All the Bobbies actually felt like clowns at the time. Then it was time to assign the postations. The process was simple enough: stand guard under the administrative buildings, then change, and again on guard.
"If Mom saw me ..." John thought. They put the Bobby out of Miss Byng's mansion, he lurked in his setry box and began protecting one of Wellington Wells' most significant characters.

And that was the first of a long series of shifts, where chatting with people was now forbidden, as was the nuanced opportunity to walk ... a sausage, with ever sword in hand and with the fringes of his helmet that went before his eyes when he blew even a breath of wind ... The new way of life of the Cavalry Bobbies

End (?)
The sequel 👉🏻 Teamwork
Small note: is written better!

Image edited by me.
Credits to Compulsions Games

Credits to Compulsions Games

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We Happy Few one shot - New uniformsWhere stories live. Discover now