The Meeting

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Fox Westbrook was your typical 21 year old jock. He was not only a part of the hockey and baseball teams on the NYU campus he also had the looks that had plenty of women come rushing up to him just so they could touch his muscular arms or his six-pac that he swore he had since he was 10 when he first started going to the gym. He was every guys role model on who they wanted to be. And Fox actually didn't mind all the attention that everyone was giving him. He had to deal with it for most of his life anyways so it was a gigantic part of him now.

Fox woke up to his blaring alarm that was sitting across his dorm room. This was one of the many reasons why he hated waking up early to go to 8 AM classes. He had to wake up at 7 Am just to get to his politics class on time. Oh the joys of studying to take over the family law firm. Fox sighed as he kicked off his sheets and opened the curtain. He sighed as he once again came face to face with the grey sky and the massive downpour. It had been raining a lot these past couple of days in New York City which was good since it wasn't snowing. They had such a harsh winter in the city that he was glad that he was able to bring out his Spring jacket once again.

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Fox undressed as he made his way into the shower. He sighed as the hot water was such a treat to his very chilly body. He seriously needed to talk to his roommates to turn on the heaters at night. A smile came to his face when he realized that he was going to be seeing the love of his life the minute he stepped out of the residence hall. Just that thought caused him to quicken his morning routine. And he was out of the dorm room in a matter of fifteen minutes.

"Gosh that's the quickest he's gotten out of here...He normally takes about thirty minutes to get ready..." Kevin Thatcher said who was one of Fox's roommates and best buddies since Kindergarten.

"The things love does to a person...That's why I choose to be single." Derrick Hamilton smiled. "This is the longest I've seen him in a relationship since I've known him."

"Yeah I'm surprised there together as well normally he dumps them after a week." Kevin laughed.

"Well things change..." Derrick laughed.

Kevin frowned when he realized that what Derrick was saying was absolutely true. His best friend had fallen in love with someone else that wasn't him. The truth is Kevin is a closeted bisexual who really felt sexually attracted to both genders however there was always something about Fox that Kevin found intriguing that made him have a very strong desire to be with him. But now that Fox had been seeing Amanda Smith for exactly one year he knew that he had fallen hard and that he didn't stand a chance with being with his best friend. But no matter how hard he tried he always found himself thinking of ways to end up with Fox. Kevin had spent countless nights fighting insomnia just lying on his bed staring up at the ceiling and thinking of ways to finally make Fox fall in love with him. And he had yet to initiate any one of the hundreds of plans yet. And Kevin feared that he would never get the chance to.

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"Hey are you OK? You zoned out there for a minute." Derrick replied.

"Yeah I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Fox had managed to keep a relationship over a week." Kevin replied back.

"Well looks like our main man is moving up in the world of love...It was bound to happen sometime." Derrick said as he patted Kevin on the back.

Fox hapily walked down the old fashioned and very high class hallways of Straughton House. He had an hour break before he needed to head off to his next class and he planned to spend the best of it. He found who he was looking for sitting on the bottom of the staircase outside in front of the fountain. He smiled. Fox could never get tired of seeing that beautiful face. He had learned to fall in love with that face as he grew up. Becuase growing up the both of them were arch rivals he was the jock and she was the nerd who excelled in every single subject. However he still thanks his mother today for sending him to tutoriing sessions after school. That's where he had gotten to really know her and truly see her in a brand new insight. Five years of meeting up every day after school at each others houses it was bound to happen.

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