Sex ~ -2-

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IMPORTANT!! Ok, before it said she was in love with Seth Hues it was meant to say Aiden Hues sorry 4 that mistake ppl!! Well, I'm hoping more of u will get into this lol XD But here's this chappy, might make a few of u comment and vote and maybe fan ;D

WARNING!! If u don't like sex and stuff then might wanna take a rain check on this!!


His lips tugged up into a smirk before crashing back to mine as my hands slipped down his chest and grabbed the rim of his shirt pulling it up and off to the ground. My hands explored his chest, the muscular and tender feel of his skin under my fingers and the way his back muscles flexed as he kept his weight from squishing me, made my whole body shiver and light like flames!

His hands were stable on either side of me until I felt him sit up and I opened my eyes, my lips feeling cold without his lapsed over mine and he looked down at my chest.

I sat up on my hands and he reached behind unzipping the back of the corset sitting my breasts free as he threw it behind him and started down at them.

My cheeks had taken on a darker shade of red and I couldn’t help the nerves that were running like crazy through me!

What if he thought I was ugly? What if he didn’t like what he saw or changed his mind?

What if I just showed him how much I’ve wanted him and then he turns away? Rejects me?

But everything was taken from my mind as his hand gripped my right hip and his other hand flew to the back of my head leading me back down on the bed as he pressed his lips to mine for a second before he planted hot burning kisses down my collar bone until one of his large cold hands grasped my left breast.

My eyes shot open at the coldness but quickly closed once his thumb began to move in a circular motion over the nipper causing it to go hard as the waves of pleasure travelled up my back causing a few moans to realise from my lips.

And the minute I felt his warm hot breathe wash over my other nipple I braced myself feeling him take it in his mouth and graze his teeth against the perky pink flesh.

My hands flew to his hair and I arched my back moaning louder as the pulsing down below grew rapid and my knickers began to drench.

“Oh god!” I was gasping for air pressing him harder down as he sucked continually, switching breast before his lips travelled further down my stomach, his tongue licking around my belly button as I raised my hips into his face.

God, I never thought sex was this great! And we hadn’t got that far yet! He was taking his time and the feelings that were growing in the pit of my stomach were things I never thought I’d feel ever!

His right hand slid up my thigh wrapping it around his waist before going further under my skirts, his fingers nearing closer to my sensitive spot.

I bit down on my bottom lip, my eyes closed as his lips continued to bite tender flesh on my tummy and his fingers teased me, going into my inner thigh and nearing closer and closer before pulling away.

I wanted him so bad!

God I was craving him!

And it didn’t help when I felt his fingers finally press against my pants rubbing up against my area softly feeling my wetness before going faster.

“Now, please Aiden!” I gasped as the pulsing grew, and I heard him groan trying to keep control as he sat up and tore my skirts from me and slowly slipped my tights off kissing down my legs on the way leaving me sprawled on the bed with only my black pants on.

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