Chapter 1: The (Re)Start of a Life

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   "Get up, we're moving."

   The scratchy husk of a voice cut through my brain, unremorsefully tearing me away from my sleep.

   I groggily opened my eyes, wincing and failing to rub the tiredness away. The hard mattress and thin, rough sheets did little comfort as I unceremoniously rolled off of them and onto my feet.

   "...What–where would we even go, Shigaraki? And... Why are we going so early?"  The confusion in my voice, I hoped, would somehow convince him that whatever he was planning to do could wait until a bit later, but to no avail.

   "You can get all the beauty rest you want after we're done. It won't take long."

   I groaned and grabbed my shoes.


   "Gosh, it's freezing..."

   The first red flag I encountered on our little trip was when he told me to leave my coat. Considering the harsh Winter season, I was right to assume it would be cold.

   "Stop whining."

   The second red flag was his dismissive attitude.

   The trees whistled in disharmony, shifting uncomfortably as if trying to be another indicator of what I was already starting to feel in my chest. The road was unpaved, and I had to constantly watch where I was going to keep myself from tripping over a rock, or a tree root, or whatever.

   Shigaraki slowly opened and closed his fist, the rest of his arms covered by a thin long-sleeved shirt. His breath held its usual ragged-ness, though I could tell he wanted to do something. I could feel his impatience as if it were stabbing me in the chest. Every clench of his fist sends a shiver down my spine, and a small unease welling in my stomach. He breathes out, I don't breathe at all.

   "Tch..." he rasps, and I feel myself slow to a stop.

   Looking over, his glare is the primary indicator that he's about to do something. A darkened stare, heavy eye bags; He's angry. Angry at me.

   "You wanna know why I brought you out here, right?"

   I feel myself stiffen, and in a moment, fingers that feel like sandpaper press against my face.

   "Wha—What the...?"

   "Move and my last finger slips."

   His voice was the growl of a canine, and four fingers grappled to the side of my face. The hair on the back of my neck bristles, and a plume of white heat pumps through my chest, colliding and filtering through the chill in every other part of my body.

   "...Shigaraki! Wait—Wait...!" My last plea turns to a whisper, the sound lost as his ring finger moves down to the underside of my chin. His touch is freezing.

   "You've...been a thorn in my foot since the moment you entered the party..." he hissed out, moving closer to the ear currently unoccupied by his hand, "A thorn that's only grown in size these past couple months..."

   "Wh...What are you talking about? What are you—?"

   "Shut the hell up..."

   My mouth clasped firmly shut, and though I felt the need to blink, my eyes remained wide. The only thing I could see was the image of his last finger slipping into contact with my face, seeing my helpless figure crumble under him and cease to exist.

   "The only reason why I didn't throw you out sooner was because of Master, but I suppose now that he's not an influence of mine anymore, there's no reason for you to stay."

Heya, Troublemaker~! - BNHA (Izuku x Nejire)Where stories live. Discover now