Chapter 2: An Impulsive Mistake (That I'm Kicking Myself Over)

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   Hands in my pockets, and some new money to spend, I made my way down the streets of Musutafu, Japan with a smile on my face.

   Being on the streets before, when I was little, I had to rely on a lot of people in order to get by. Like, for example: I had to memorize the routes of all the middle-high class people in the area so I would know where to go to act all 'helpless and weak'. I also had to know when the new shipments of ingredients would arrive for the markets, so I could go there and steal an apple or two.

   No one ever noticed me when I stole from them, or, if they did, they didn't say anything. I knew what taking too much looked like, so I always took just enough to keep me alive until the next day; Until the next shipment would arrive or until the next generous passerby would give me something to eat or drink or whatever so I could repeat the process.

   And once I joined up with the League, well, they had me provide for myself in a... shall we say, 'less-than-heroic' fashion. I replaced stealing an apple with robbing a store, and I replaced charity from civilians with robbing said civilians. It wasn't the right thing to do, but if I wanted to survive, it was a necessary evil.

   It was a different feeling, having money that I didn't rip out of a civilian's wallet; And it wasn't a bad feeling at all. 

   In fact--I could almost get used to the feeling of earning a paycheck in a 'morally-white' fashion like the majority of everyone else in this society.

   In an even 'fact-ier' fact, I was on my way to spend that money buying supplies that would actually help me, instead of a new volume of manga or whatever. Who knew I could be so responsible?


   I spoke too soon. I really spoke too soon.

   "What--Hey! Get back here!" A man's scream echoed through the back alley, reverberating through my skull like a bass-boosted kick drum. Dashing into a small break between two building's walls (that I was way too small for now) I raced through the crevice like I was being chased by a serial killer.

   Panic soared through my chest as I bolted out the other side, slamming the breaks on myself to just barely avoid getting hit by an oncoming car on the road. I couldn't even catch my breath before my body started running again, my mind not far behind.

   What... What the HELL did I just do? WHY did I do that? I... I was perfectly fine! 

   Jumping onto a series of crates in front of a bakery, I leapt onto the building's roof and continued my mad sprint away from the scene of the crime. My lungs tightened and a small pain made itself known just under my ribcage, and I did the only thing I could think of at the moment besides 'RUN' which was to take my fist and slam it against my chest.

   A new resolve made known in my head, I quickened my pace and dashed from roof to roof, slowly gaining height from the ground. The screaming behind me grew way quieter, but I only stopped running when I noticed a small caged ladder on the building adjacent to the roof I was currently on.

   Yes! Good! If I got up there, the man would never find me!

   I changed direction, leaping off the roof I was on without a fear of falling, successfully landing on the outside of the ladder with a small metallic 'clang!'. I only stopped to rest when I rolled off the end of the ladder and onto the roof of the larger building it was attached to.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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