Per Request

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I had only been able to sleep a few hours after I left Severous. So around 9:45pm I cast the muffling charm I had invented and quietly left the Slytherine common room. In the stillness, I noiselesly made my way toward the astronomy tower. The darkened corridors felt a little ominous now that most were asleep.
I had just reached the door when I lifted the charm, not seeing a reason for it after having made it this far.

A blast of cold December air blew past me as I padded my way to the railing. Staring out at the grounds, I start softly singing a song I'd been working on.

"The rivers of my memories, all lead back to you. They flow and ebb along the road, your words and faces too.
Should I remember? Oh I remember,
The words I sang of you.
Strawberry hair, alight in the sun,
things I always remember
To have you back would be my wish
but alas the fates did decide
That all of my wishing would all be for nothing, and lying in ashes you be

I sing the last few lines over again, testing out two different tunes. Nothing seems to fit them though. The noise of footsteps approaching should have caught my attention but they don't. I jump a little when a pair of arms wrap around me. It was Severous, a bemused expression on his face. He strides toward me, stopping when he reaches me. "What are you doing out here?" He asks, watching me.
  I shrugged. "Couldn't sleep, so I figured I'd come out here  for a little bit. " He raises a dark eyebrow at me.
"It's against the rules to be out passed curfew. I could give you detention. "
I laughed at this, leaning into his chest. "Right, like you would. I'm twenty-one years old. I think I can handle a few minutes out. It's not the first time I've done this anyway. "
He raises a dark eyebrow at me, "Careful. I may not be able to give Emory a detention but I can certainly give one to Cora. " he teases, kissing the top of my head.  "What are you doing out here huh?" I quized, eying him. He rolls his eyes at me. "I was patrolling the halls when I noticed something open this door out of the corner of my eye. "  I sighed, exasperated. "Certainly not with my muffling charm?" I muttered, but apparently he heard me. 
"What one would that be?" He says curiously.  "It's a muffling charm I invented when I was sixteen. I used it when I would sneak out of my room to go out with Bethany. " I say blushing.  "Indeed? I'd like to see it?"
"Sure." I shrugg, pulling out my wand from the sleave of my hoodie.  The 13"  pinewood with an ivory handle a mark of a true healer. 

With a counter clockwise swish, I say  muffiato, a blue whisp curling away from it to engulf me. I step away from his embrace, bolting for the door in complete silence.  His eyebrows shoot up incredulously.  "That's impressive.  " he drawls, striding back to me.
"Thanks. " I reply, tucking my wand back in place.  "I have an invisibility spell as well. " I added, casting it wandlessley to show him. In seconds I'm cloaked in the spell, completely hidden from view. He reaches to touch the spot where I stood, when his fingers brush my arms Severous smiles.  "It's not foolproof though. " I admit, my voice still audible despite the charm. I remove it after that, smiling at him. 

He returns it, a smirk on his lips. "Back to bed with you. Come on, I'll walk you. " he drawls, arm around my waist. We walk hand in hand back to my dorm, when he touched the handle it shocks him.
"Oh shit! Sorry! I forgot about the wards!" I exclaimed, speaking the password to unlock it. "Sunflower. "
I say, this time it turns easily, allowing him inside.  I could see the wheels turning in his head. He planned on remembering that. I laughed at the stoic expression on his face.

Closing the door behind him, I sat on the bed, still giggling.  "I don't mind if you know it. " I say, quieting down. He scowls at my outburst. Instead of answering, he leans down to kiss me.
I return it, tangling my fingers in his hair.  "Goodnight Severous.  " I say sweetly, smiling softly at him.
To my surprise he returns the smile.
"Goodnight Emory. I'll come collect you after your last class for the meeting. " I scrunched my nose at the mention of it.  "Promise me you'll be there?" I pleaded, locking eyes with him. "I promise.  " He says firmly, before leaving me alone.

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