A Yule Ball and Booze

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Moonlight streamed lazily at the bottom of thick black curtains.
It must've still been night because the room was still encompassed with darkness. My eyes open slightly, cheek pressed against his bare chest.
Toned arms wrapped around me as I lay there. Severous was sleeping peacefully, yet I had only slept a little bit. My mind was humming with thoughts. I was very happy that we had made it this far in our relationship. He made me smile genuinely for the first time in months. I could never thank him enough for that. Everything about him drew me in. His voice, god his voice! I could listen to it for hours.

He had quickly become a dear friend. His willingness to listen and just be there for me in this difficult time says so much. The love trickled in slowly, blooming it's petals in my heart until it took residence in the broken shards.
No matter what happens next, I want to be with him. The longer my mind wanders, the harder it is for me to sleep. Reluctantly, I wriggle out of his arms to my satchel that was discarded by his dresser. The sleeping drought I had made at the beginning of term was half full. I take a small sip, tucking the cork back and dropping in it's place before going back to bed.
Severous had turned over, snoring softly on his side. I slip in beside him, draping his arms around me once more. My eyes closing quickly.


The next morning I awaken to a loud beeping. I groaned in annoyance.
I hear him muttering a curse at the thing as he slammed a finger on the snooze button. "Morning luv." He whispers, voice groggy from sleep.
"Morning. " I say quietly, turning to face him. His onyx eyes peer at me sleepily. "It's exam day. A half day for you. " he drawls hopefully, tapping my nose playfully. "Yeah I know. I'm going to get packed after lunch today.
With the Yule ball tomorrow, I'll be too tired to. " I explained, brushing a lock of his hair away from his face.
"Then I shall have you all to myself. "
He promises, kissing me sweetly.
"Mmmh definitely. " I crooned, my eyes closing in bliss. He chuckles at my response, kissing my wild curls.
"If I'm going to face this day, I need coffee. " I say firmly, loosing myself of his hold. "I do too. " he agrees, getting up with me. I pause, brows furrowing in annoyance. "What?" He asks, opening the bathroom door to brush his teeth. I scowl at myself.
"I don't have a change of clothes."
I state flatly. I was standing there by his bed, in my underwear and nothing else.

Thinking quickly, I grab my wand from my satchel and head for his closet. He eyes me curiously, watching me . I fish through it for a few minutes, coming across a black sweater and trouser pants that were folded on a shelf. I grab them, unfolding them and laying them on the messy bed. Waving my wand over them, the sweater morphs into something more my style, the pants shorten to my measurements, and with that, I grab my discarded bra and slip the outfit on.
I check my work in the mirror on his dresser, admiring it. "This'll work. "
He strides up behind me, now fully dressed himself. "You look beautiful."
He purrs in my ear, hands on my hips.
I lock eyes with him in the reflection, a smile on my face. "Testing ends at 1:00. After I pack, I'll leave my things in here so we can just leave Sunday morning if that works for you?"
He hums in response, kissing my neck softly. I lean into his touch, wrapping my arms around his neck to kiss him.
"Mmm. If we don't stop now, we'll both be late. " I remind him, hating myself for bringing it up.
He ignored me a moment longer, kissing me once more. "I almost don't care. " Severous says smirking.
I roll my eyes at him. "You know I'd rather stay here. " I admitted, frowning slightly. "Let's just drink our coffee together and then we'll just have a few hours till freedom so to speak. " "Sure. " he murmurs, leading us to the kitchen. We sit in comfortable silence at his kitchenette counter, sipping our coffee together. I scarf down a blueberry muffin from a basket on the counter, a light breakfast before exams began.

Most students would be terrified right now, but seeming as I've already graduated from Ilvernmorny, I knew the content really well. Severous and I walked hand in hand to class, being as it was still early, no one was around just yet. I head for the supply closet, using my wand to send ingredients out for the test. I knew exactly what potion we were brewing for it.

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