Chapter 5

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We arrived at the restaurant and took our seats. I looked at my phone, I had a text from Alice. I smiled and text her back quickly before Nika noticed.

“Who are you texting?” Nika asked with pure attitude rolling off her tongue.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Here we go again Nika. See this is the shit I’m talking about, you don’t trust me at all. Then why are you with me?” I unlocked my phone and deleted the conversation with Alice. The only recent text that showed up was from my sister Sherice. I showed the text to Nika and she sighed.

“Baby I’m sorry. I’ve just been stressed out and I’m tired of tagging along. When are you going to be serious about us? I mean we’ve been secretly dating for what a year now and every time I ask you about it you say soon. Well soon better be now Kevin because I’m done being on the back burner.”

I looked at her and frowned. Where is this coming from? She was just giving me the best head game in the world a few hours ago in my office and now she wants to be wifey?

“Nika, where is this coming from?”

She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth just as the waitress came over to take our order. I ordered my food and Nika ordered hers. The waitress nodded and wrote them down then walked away.

“Have you calmed down now,” I asked her chuckling.

She tossed her napkin on the table and scolded me. “Am I done? You listen to me Kevin Tate! I will not sit here and continue to be made a fool of any longer. I’m tired of you and your little side line hoes. I’m not blind! But I am stupid for allowing you to play me this long! You are either serious about us or you are not! Have you even thought about our future?”

I was shocked. I didn’t expect this to happen at all and truth be told I haven’t thought about our future. “Nika, I-“

“No Kevin, I’m done. I’ve let this go on for far too long now. I can’t do it anymore.” Her eyes started to tear up and she wiped them quickly, “I just can’t do it anymore Kevin…Until you realize what you truly want with us…we’re over.” She stood up and grabbed her purse and walked out of the restaurant. I was dumbfounded. She knew I had hoes? I mean it wasn’t hard to see that but damn.

I was speechless. I mean I wasn’t ready to make her wifey but I did care for her...a lot.

“Your food will be right with you sir,” said the waitress.

I sighed and stood up. “We won’t be needing it anymore.” I tossed a hundred dollar bill on the table and told her to keep the change. Damn Nika just pissed me clean off.

Oh well, she’ll be over it in the morning.

1 month later


“I’m gonna count to three and then it’ll be over.” I said rubbing the girls arm with an alcohol pad before sticking her with the needle. She nodded and I counted to three quickly and stuck her. I was done in 5 seconds. She winced and said “aaahh, it didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would.” I chuckled and nodded. “Yeah believe me there are a lot of other things that can hurt just as bad.” I stifled a laugh as I thought back to the night I lost my virginity.

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