Chapter 6

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Okay so this chapter is looooong overdue! I've been having writters block with this story so bare with me please. This chapter may not be that good because I've had a hard time writing to it. I hope you still enjoy it though!

 1 week later


I sat down and drank my coffee wishing I didn’t go so hard last night. My head is throbbing. Where is Nika? She would be here right now making me feel better, but she’s not. Things have been distant between us since that night at dinner. I didn’t think she was actually serious about what she said but she was. She hasn’t called me one time since then. I’ve called her a few times to see what she was doing and how she was but it wasn’t the same. Something changed that night and I don’t know what it was.

I ain’t gonna lie, I miss her. It’s only been a month but it seems longer than that. I just wish she wasn’t so damn needy. I mean I care for her but I’m not ready for a commitment. I’m not ready to be tied down to one woman just yet.

I remember the first day I met Nika. It was in the break room and it was her first day of work. I had just been promoted and I was feeling myself. She was trying to make more coffee and she didn’t know there was a little trick to working the machine. So I came along and helped her. I didn’t have any intention of messing with her; I was just trying to help her. There was something about her personality that attracted me to her though. Eventually we became good friends. A year later we had been dating for 6 months and honestly I took it seriously. I really enjoyed spending time with Nika. She was fun, ambitious, loving, kind and unique. The seventh month into our relationship I was promoted to a higher position. I’m not gonna lie, it kind of got to my head. Women started to really throw themselves at me and not to mention they were fine women. Now don’t get me wrong, I didn’t plan to cheat it just happened. I cared about Nika a lot, but to say that I loved her was a big step for me. Slowly but surely our relationship started diminishing. I started to spend later nights at work and more and more women wanted a taste of me. I started to realize that I wasn’t really ready for a commitment just yet, but that didn’t mean I had to let Nika go, because believe it or not I still cared about her. I knew she didn’t deserve what I was doing to her but I couldn’t stop myself. I got a thrill of being with different women.

I hit the speed dial button on my office phone and called my secretary Sheila.

“Yes Mr. Tate, how can I help you?”

“Hey Sheila is Nika in. I—“. I was cut off by my cell phone ringing on my desk. “Hold on, I’ll call you back.” I hung up the phone and picked up my cellphone. It was Sherice. “Hey Reese, what’s up?”

“Hey Kevin, I was wondering if you had that paperwork I asked you about so long ago.”

I opened my drawer and saw the papers sitting there. It looked like they had been messed with. That’s weird. “Yeah sis, they’re here. You coming to get them?”

My office door opened and I looked up to see Sherice smiling. I hung up the phone and stood up then walked over and hugged her.

“How was the rest of your weekend after bowling last week,” she asked as she pulled away and sat down.

“It was coo. I hung out with the boys and that was about it.”

She looked at the coffee mug on my desk and grinned. “Looks like someone partied too hard this weekend huh.”

I grinned and took another sip. “Maybe I did. How was your weekend last week? You never called me to cuss me out like you said you would.”

I watched as she blushed and smiled slowly.

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