1) adopted

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Evelyn's p.o.v.~
Hi I'm Evelyn. I'm 15 years old. I live in an adoption center with my older sister Jasmine. Jasmine is 19 years old. She helps me with all my problems. I have a best friend named Ava. Ava is so kind I really wish we could get adopted. I hope someone does. Evelyn my mistress calls for me. Oh no looks like I'm getting beat again. I hope I don't. I walk down stairs very patiently. Yes Madame I say to her. I want you to come down today to try to get adopted. Okay I say that's the first time she has ever said I could come down. I go back upstairs and get ready. I go back down and see all kinds of people looking for children. I then see the one and only Emily Kinney she plays on my favorite show The Walking Dead! She walks over to me and asks what are names are. I said my name is Evelyn and this is my sister Jasmine and my best friend Ava. She then says those are all very beautiful names. Thanks we all said. We then see Lauren Cohan. Also off The Walking Dead. She walks up to Ava and asks for her name. Ava she said. That's a very pretty name Ava Lauren said. She then walked away Then my mistress came up to me and my sister and said you two are getting adopted. By who we asked at the same time. Emily then came over and said girls go get ready I'll be waiting. Jasmine and I went running up the stairs. We packed everything up and then I said goodbye to Ava. Ava then told me that she was getting adopted by Lauren Cohan. I was extremely happy.

Emily's p.o.v.~
As u was waiting I looked around to see if I noticed anybody I know and just then I saw Lauren my co worker. Hi Lauren I say. Hi Emily Lauren says haven't seen you for at least a month. Oh yeah we've been on break from filming for a while. I suddenly look up and see my 2 very beautiful daughters. Ava then came downstairs and went home with Lauren.

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