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Evelyn's p.o.v.~
I get out of the car and see this big huge house right in front of us. When I walk inside it is is huge.

Emily's p.o.v.~
I look over and see the girls faces with there mouths hanging open at how big our house was.

Jasmines p.o.v.~
I get out of moms car and wow is all I could say just wow. It's so beautiful. It's like a mansion. I couldn't believe that my mom was the real Emily Kinney.

Evelyn's p.o.v.~
When we get inside mom shows us are room fort is jasmine then mine and then she gives us a tour.

Jasmines p.o.v.~
Mom then says let's show you girls your rooms. First is mine it's peachy looking color with hard wood floors. It has a huge walk in closet and my own bathroom that was amazing. I have a king size bed and peach colored curtains. Behind the curtains is a balcony. It's so beautiful out here. My room is just amazing.

Evelyn's p.o.v~
After I saw Jasmines room I knew mine had to be amazing. When we get to my room and I open my door it was just wow. My room walls were a neon green and my floor was a silver diamond glass. It was so amazing I then walk over to my closet and it's way bigger than Jasmines. Then I look inside the bathroom. It's amazing. My curtains are a neon green color. I have a fuzzy rug that's rainbow. I look at my curtains and there is a huge balcony with laying beds and a table in the middle. Oh My God Emily this is amazing. Thank you so much and gave her a big hug. So what should he call you? How about mom Emily said. Okay me and Jas say at the same time.

Emily's p.o.v.~
I was so happy to have 2 beautiful daughters. I look at there faces and I see pure happiness. I have a special surprise for you 2 I said.

Evelyn's p.o.v.~
Mom says she has a special surprise for us. I open my eyes and I see 2 cell phones cool I've never had a cell phone before. I thank mom and kiss her on the cheek and say goodnight. I then go to my bedroom and turn in the tv. On tv is The Walking Dead and I decided to watch it. After a while I fell asleep.

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