Mia is standing outside of Docs about to go in and all she can think about is what this boy has in store for her.
She walks in and he is sitting down tapping his fingers on the counter.
"You came" he says smirking at her
"You didn't think I would?" She asks smiling
"No I knew you would you just couldn't resist me" and winks at her
"Uh huh okay big shot, where are we going" she says walking towards him
"It's a surprise" he says holding out his hand to take it
She hesitates to take but ends up and he walks her out the store and starts walking down the streets with her.
"You look gorgeous by the way" and smiles down at her
"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" just realizing he had a nicer outfit on then normally
He chuckles at her comment and keeps on walking still holding onto her hand
After walking down the streets in nyc in a comfortable silence they finally make it to end pier and about this time the sun is setting and the sky has beautiful colors in it.
"Riff- on my god it's beautiful" she says and let's go oh his head to go look over the pier
"Good I'm glad you like it" he says and smiles at her excitement
"I come here a lot to you know clear my head and all and it's always so beautiful around this time so I just had to take this beautiful lady to this beautiful place" and throws her one of his cheeky smirks and winks
"Well I have to say Riff this is definitely scoring you some points" Mia says smirking
"Oh is it now" smirking back at her
"Well I would be honored to take you to the dance"
"Hey I never said you were going to yet" she says laughing
"I know I'm just preparing what I'm going to say when you say I can"
"So we are getting cocky now are we" she says crossing her arms
"Around you.. always missy" and winks at her again
What is with boys and winking
"So Mia tell me about your self" he says smiling
"Um- I moved here from Puerto Rico a month ago with my best friend Maria, I want to start a life here a new fresh start but it's been kinda hard when your sister and her boyfriend basically keep you locked up in that hell hold all day, sorry excuse my language, I love dancing so much, I make a hella good grilled cheese and my favorite color is all light colors" she says and then throws in a smile at the end
Riff starts laughing
"Well do I get to try this "hella good" grilled cheese" he says laughing a little
"Oh course oh course who do you think I am" and Mia does a dramatic gasp
He starts laughing again
After about a couple hours of talking about their life and random stuff and her amazing grilled cheese they decided to head home.
"You know Riff I had a good time" she says smiling up at him when the get to her window
"I never doubted you wouldn't" he says smirking
Which in return he gets a slap on the arm
"Any who, thank you for a good time and I'll make to be getting my cooking skills ready for you okay" and this time she winks at him
"And when do I get to try it" he asks
"Umm come to my window tomorrow at around 2 okay they will all be gone cause their looking for dresses and stuff for the dance alright" she says being bold
"Did you just invite me- what the" he says with a overdramatic voice and holding his hand over his heart
"Shut up before I regret it" she says laughing
"This grilled cheese better be amazing" he says putting on a serious face
"Are you doubting me?" She asks
"Me no- never- who do you think I am" he says smirking
"I'll see you tomorrow Mia" and bends down and kisses her cheek
"Goodnight Riff, sweet dreams" she says waving at him as he walks away
"Those dreams are about you sweetheart" he yells back smiling like a idiot
She starts smiling like one too and continues to walk home
Oh brother, this boy will be the death of her.
sorry for the short chapter guys I spent some much time on the other chapter in the other book that I forgot, next chapter will be longer promise, goodnight 💕

Her Jet
RomanceMia is Anita's sister, and recently moved to to America with Maria. She wants to make a life for herself there, but what happens when a certain jet walks into her life? (Riff x Mia)