Ch 2 The Crush

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As the locked eyes blocking the world around them out, it felt eternal, like nothing could get better than this, well until there was a honk of the car. They both looked at the car and it was. "Ugh Itachi" said Sasuke in an annoyed tone "um sorry for today it was an accident please forgive me and have a good day bye " and with that Naruto ran off " that is one cute blonde any girl would be lucky to have him, now baby brother we need to get home before father gets mad, you know how he's like when his angry right" Sasuke sighed " how did you find me? " Itachi stayed quiet. Sasuke sighed one last time and got in the car with a clue to how Itachi found him "he sure does resample them " not looking at his brother he said "who ?" Itachi turned and looked at him  " the blond boy weren't you thinking of him" Sasuke flinched with a tint of red on his cheeks filled with embarrassment " whatever I wasn't thinking about him" Itachi slightly smirked " is that so.... I can tell you his name" Sasuke flinched and turned and looked at his brother " really?" "You said you weren't thinking about him?" Sasuke blushed "well I lied ok " " okay that was if I can, but I'm afraid I too don't know his name, went me to find out who he is?" Sasuke nodded " alright I'll begin."

Naruto's POV
I ran so fast that when I got home I was already out breath, I got in the house and slammed the door. I didn't even notice that I was not the only one there, 'okay Naruto calm down calm down, what just happened was an accident he won't hold a grudge against me would he. Ok let's go with that, I won't tell mom and dad because they tend to be paranoid when it comes to this.

"I'll keep quiet and say no..... thi.... ng....." My mom was behind me and I didn't notice her "ahhh what the heck where did you come from" I yelled " watch your tone, I'm your mother, anyways why didn't you reply to my texts I was get very worried " oh yeah I was chatting with her when my phone.... "Fell " I covered my mouth and hoped she didn't hear that "fell? What happened to you, why are so dirty and why is your phone broken" shit she was looking at me with those crazy eyes at this rate I'll have no choice, but to spill it " NARUTO"  I'm dead I'm really dead " ahhh "
In the end I told my mom everything even the things I did when she was overseas. I'm not getting out of this one  'i wander what is he doing right now'

Meanwhile back at the entrance door of the palace there waited a angry Uchiha, "darling please don't be mad at him they're not far " claimed the queen of the Uchihas, but the king Just scoff and said "hope not "and continued waiting for he's son.

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