this a story of a high school boy and a famous prince.... ok the was a prince known as Sasuke Uchiha him and his family moved to Konoha to find Sasuke a bride as the arrang marriage aments the prince found him self in a very sticky situation and had...
At morning Naruto woke up, took a bath, got dressed, ate his breakfast, and went to meet with Hinata. They met at the mall as planned and went to the last place Hinata had saw Neji's book. They spent the whole morning looking for the book til they went to the last class "found it" shouted Naruto "here he passed the book to Hinata " T... Thank .... You " he puts on his signature smile and said "no prob" he turned around and said "let's head back before they decide to lock us up again" she nodded and walked out the school gates. She bowed and said "thank you again, I don't know what I would have done" "it's alright I'm happy to help" they bid each other goodbye and went their separate ways.
Hinata's phone rang, Hinata: "hello " Sakura: "did you stall him?" Hinata: "yeah but he went back home" Sakura: "what do you mean 'he went back home' you know that his not going home, you were supposed to stall him til noon" she yelled Hinata: " but it is noon?"there was a moment of silent Sakura: " fine you did a good job,thank you Hinata" she hang up, " your wel....come " and puts away her phone and continued walking back home. At the mall Ino saw Naruto, she grabbed him and said " Naruto can you please help me with something it's really urgent" and smiled in the end " well I kinda have something else to do- " but was cut off " well great let's go "she then draged him to the shops.
•••••••• Three hours have passed and Naruto was dozing off, swaying from side to side, until he heard " NARUTO!!" He jumped awake only to see Ino in front of him "why don't you try these on" she showed him some pair of blue jeans with a shirt and an orange hoodie "no, no, no I really can't" "nonsense, go and try them on " she pulled him and shoved him into the Chang room. It took him a minute til Naruto decided to change, he went out and everyone were bump folded
"wait isn't that the president's son" " yeah his a cutie" " wish I met him sooner, so that I could keep him to myself" "who wouldn't want a piece of that " the whole mall was filled with whispers, Naruto's phone vibrated Sasuke - where are you Naruto - sorry I'm on my way: "sorry but I gota get going, I'll pay you later " and ran out the mall. "Wait.... Well there goes that " Ino's phone rang, she took it out to see who the caller was "shit " she whispered and answered Ino: "hey Sakura what's up" Sakura: "how are things going" Ino: " well, great they are going great, you see I still need to pay for my stuff so can I call you later, okay bye" she hang up, and whipped the invisible sweat of her forehead.
Meanwhile at the Palace, Sakura smirked for the fake info she got, she turned off he phone and went straight to Sasuke and said" Sasuke do you need anything..... to drink" she stutterd as Sasuke stood up " no thanks, go get me my coat" he ordered one of the butlers " I'm going out I might not come back early, inform my parents" and with that he just left.
•••••••• They met up at the park and went to the game store [sorry I don't know what is called and I only went there once] and of cause playing some games " ok, ok you almost got, steady "said Naruto as their hearts beat quicker than a motorcycle " nooooo, damnit" they both failed to drop the doll into the hole " Sasuke wait here I'll get us some extra coins" and left Sasuke standing alone. He turned around looked at the direction Naruto went before he could follow him behind, something caught his eye, he did not hesitate to use the last coin he had and played, no matter what he had to win that doll, he grabbed the controller, directed the claw to the doll, he grabbed the doll and directed it to the hole, and lady luck worked her magic and Sasuke won the doll.
"Sasuke I got us some extra coins we can go play an other game" as Naruto started to walk away, Sasuke stood there and yelled "Naruto!" He turned around and said "yeah, what is it?" He asked "I managed to get this " he lifted the doll, it was an orange doll with blue eyes. "Wow that great but I'm not sure that Sakura is into orange dolls " "I never said that I won it for Sakura, it's for you" claimed Sasuke "for me" he repeated, Sasuke extended the doll to him getting kind of annoyed "take it would you " Naruto looked at it and finally took the doll and hugged it tightly "thanks "
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••••••• After an hour and a half Naruto took Sasuke's hand and dragged him in the elevator to the rooftop "what are we doing here, rooftop are not fun "he exclaimed " your right rooftops are no fun but there's one thing there's one thing fun " they turned around and we're blinded by an orange light, slowly opening their eyes and saw a beautiful sunset that shined on the sea. They set there and watched as the sun slowly sets and Sasuke kept side eyeing Naruto as a hint of smile formed on his lips. After a beautiful sunset the clouds formed in the sky causing it to be clod and windy, a small drop of rain hit Naruto's nose. They went to all the shops and were able to find one umbrella, they ran outside where their drivers were at, each got into the car and drove off their separate ways [ please note: that Sasuke gave away the umbrella to Naruto cause his a gentleman, and ended up getting wet ]
••••••• "Oh Sasuke, why are you soaking wet where have you been " asked Mikoto "just taking a walk" he went straight upstairs as the rest of the Uchihas wildly trying to guess, and for one Uchiha starting getting more madder and madder. He went to his room took a shower dried up dressed up and set on his bed.
Sasuke's POV I've had fun, learning about new things today but there are four things that I'll remember, one: Naruto is an idiot, two: he really loves ramen, three: his favorite color is orange and four: those eyes of his are my biggest weakness, I might forget everything from my past but I will never forget him yes those eyes just like his those ocean eyes are the only thing I remember about my childhood.
My POV From that thought Sasuke slowly drifted to sleep. Thus the showers continued for several days, raining day and night none stop as those days passed by Naruto and Sasuke patiently waiting for the next time they meet.
Sorry for taking so long but I tried my best to update but failed I had to deal with school so please forgive me. Now that I know what I'm supposed to write the next chapters I'll do my best to update as quickly as I can possibly can. Please enjoy
And oh there a hint in Sasuke's POV which one do you think it is. Feel free to comment if you find it.