•tape fifty•

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"I'm almost there," Sam says into my earpiece.

"What's the plan?" Bucky asks.

"Karli's gotta be close. Keep your eyes open."

"Well, it could be anybody," Bucky says.

"Someone had to have gotten in the building to be able to give it a go," I say into my earpiece, walking down and alley. Bucky sees me and nods, giving me the signal to go over to him.

We walk towards three NYPD men with guns. They step back. "Sergeant Barnes," they greet, then cut me off.

"She's fine," Bucky says to them. "That's Cher Wilson. She's my girl. Let her through." They give me a look before letting me pass and greeting me as Redshot.

"Oh, I'm your girl now?" I ask him, raising my brows as we walk towards the building.

"Always have been," he tells me, putting his hands in his pocket.

"By the way," Sam says. "I called in some backup."

"Excuse me, sir, ma'am, are you supposed to be here?"

Buck and I both turn to a man. His face starts to get pixilated, before he takes off his beanie and face, showing Sharon.

"It's me," she says.

"Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?" Bucky asks.

"Relax," Sharon says. "No one's looking for me here." She nods and leads us a few feet away.

"Is that Sharon I hear?" Sam asks.

"Unfortunately," Bucky mutters.

"Hey, Sam, I thought I'd get the band back together," Sharon says.

"Thank you. You're risking a lot coming here," Sam says.

"I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be anyway."

"Depends on the therapist," Bucky says.

"Yours is delightful," I say sarcastically.

"They'll move on the building soon. Be ready," Sam tells us, and we all go our separate ways to round the building. "Guys, what's going on on your end?"

"Nothing, all quiet," Bucky says.

"No one's moving towards the building," Sharon says.

"I don't see anyone," I tell them.

"Karli's not coming in," Sam says. "She's trying to force everybody out. It's a misdirect. We gotta keep everybody inside."

The three of us meet up and walk inside as Sam tells us that we're going to have to do something and that we can't let anybody out of the building.

"There's one of them," Bucky says, nodding to someone. "I'll get the evac."

Sharon and I nod to each other before we both follow the people that are being evacuated. We get to the parking garage and hide behind pillars, looking at each other momentarily before we look back at the people being shoved into police vehicles.

They load them up and close the doors before the trucks drive off. "Hostages en route," the man says. "ETA, six minutes."

We see as Bucky goes over to a motorcycle. Sharon looks at me with a 'what the hell is he doing?' look. I mouth the words, 'I don't have a fucking clue.'

"Buck," I whisper into my earpiece. "What the fuck?"

"Seriously, Bucky, you had one job," Sharon says.

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