Y/n's gift

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so, you're a ghost YOU ARE NOT DEAD YOU CAN STILL DIE you can activate your gift whenever you want so for the most part, you are human and aren't a floating dead soul. You have a corporeal form your gift is the ethereal form of a ghost, got that? Good

What can you do? The basic ghost stuff, you can float, go through solid objects, go invisible. Might include seeing and speaking to dead people... idk probably not. OOO but I I could do a lot with that.

When's the next chapter coming out?
I have no fucking clue and yes I'm swearing it's my fanfic fuck off/j
I will take suggestions in! I will not always turn them into stories if I don't see them going anywhere, and yes this is an x Camilo fanfic and no I do not know when they're gonna get together.

Might kill him off for some drama

Anyways I'm working on the next chapter as of writing this. So if you enjoy this story (which a lot of you seem to and thxs I really appreciate it💕)

Vote on it! Comment on it! Get this thing out to the gays!

I have no idea where this thing was gonna go... oh yeah! Y/n's backstory and why they have a gift

So, you got a gift because casita saw you as family. They new exactly how you were gonna be with Camilo idk but basically, casita grew fond of this new face from Spain (yes y/n is from Spain, sneaked onto a British ship to the americas, nearly got hanged as a stowaway, escaped by disguising yourself, had to live off of stealing and scamming heading downwards to escape the previous town. And then you ended up in encanto where everyone liked you and you didn't have to steal anymore! Yaaayyy!!!)

There now you have some backstory

Have fun the next chapter will be out in hopefully... 3 days?

Anyways luv y'all byeeeeee

"Poltergeist" Camilo x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now