Y3 ~ flirty much?

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"You're quite a flirt, aren't you?"

Steal My Girl - One DirectionWordcount - 2677

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Steal My Girl - One Direction
Wordcount - 2677


Y/n was so rudely awoken Thursday morning by her cat, Layra who was making herself comfortable in her bed. Y/n groaned loudly, the struggle of owning a cat.

How much she even loved her cat, she could be beyond irritating at some points, like right now when she had awoken her at 3am.

"Damn you, Layra." Y/n cursed, but gave in when Layra looked at her with a face saying 'come on, am I not cute?' and stroke her cat gently over the head.

"You're lucky you're cute." Y/n sighed. "If not you would've been on your way to McDonald's right now."

Layra then gave her an annoyed glare, turning away from her, making sure to place her butt in Y/n's face.

"For fucks sake." Y/n cursed. "I was joking!"

But Layra seemed to be in a bad mood and decided to ignore her. Well, well, it was her loss.


"Y/n! Y/n wake up!" Hermione groaned, shaking her best friend violently. "You're gonna miss breakfast."

"Just five more minutes..." Y/n yawned, switching to her other side.

"Y/n, you know that'll end up in a few hours, besides we have Snape, he'll put you in detention without blinking!"

"That didn't make me feel better." Y/n mumbled, burying her head in her pillow.

"Fine," Hermione gave up. "Come late, but don't blame me for not waking you up properly!"

"Sure, mom." Y/n mumbled against her pillow, and with that Hermione let the room with a loud groan.

"Where's Y/n?" Harry wondered when Hermione entered the common room.

"She said she'll be here in five minutes." Hermione said with an eyeroll.

"A few hours is more like it." Ron snorted, remembering when Y/n once missed two classes, making a furious McGonagall put her in detention for a week.

"That's what I told her!" Hermione sighed while Y/n went back to sleep up in the girls dormitory.


The next time Y/n woke up the clock was 9:20am, meaning Potions had started twenty minutes ago. At least it didn't start over an hour ago, which was clearly an improvement, but still.

"Shoot!" She exclaimed. Y/n jumped out of the bed, accidentally pushing out Layra in the meantime who hissed angrily on the floor.

"Sorry Lay." Y/n said quickly as she rushed around in the room, getting her robes and Potions books. In a swift moment she got dressed and pulled her hair up in a ponytail so it didn't look too messy.

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