meeting them (chapter one)

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y/n POV:

After waking up from an amazing sleep I got dressed , brushed my hair then headed downstairs for breakfast."good morning nanny mcphee,"

"good morning y/n , how was your sleep,"

"it was nice ,"

I had been living with nanny mcphee ever since my parents died .They were going out to sea to visit my grandmother when suddenly a huge storm broke out causing the ship to be caught up in dangerous waves .I made a promise to them that i would try my best to be good from now on . Partially because it was my fault they had to go visit my grandmother . But also because i dont  want to be any more trouble to nanny mcphee. "y/n ,im going to look after and teach some children today , would you like to come or stay ?"                                                                                                   "id  like to come please ,"  i replied                                                                                                                                 "very well then , i expect you to be washed and packed by this evening,"                                            "yes nanny mcphee ,"  

~time skip to them arriving at the browns manor ~

Eveangeline POV:

"THERE IN THE KITCHEN!"i announced to Mr Brown .                                                                                           "no no no NO....YOU MADE THEM TOAST!"He replied .                                                                                             "i did not !"

suddenly , there was a loud knock at the door . i looked up slowly to see that i was holding onto Mr Brown .Flustered , i quickly let go running down to see what else the kids were up to leaving Mr Brown to answer the door.

y/n POV:

As i was walking up to the door with nanny mcphee a few steps in front ,faint childish laughter and what seemed to be two people arguing could be clearly heard . Nanny mcphee knocked at the door just as rain started poring down onto us . I finally heard faint footsteps coming closer . A tall man opened the door .He had thick , brown hair and wore a rich suit. Im guessing he was the father ."im nanny mcphee ,and this is y/n l/n , she is , i guess you could say my daughter," she said walking through the door as i followed close behind nodding slightly at him with a smile. He seems nice"i assume you have very naughty kids Mr Brown,".                  
"well what makes you think that," he quickly replied . Nanny mcphee turned to me signalling me to go down the stairs to see what all the screaming was . I obeyed and headed downstairs . I covered my ears as the closer i got the noise only grew louder. "I wonder how many kids there are,4,6,5"i thought to myself.

When i finally got down to the bottom of the stairs i was shocked at the sight . They all turned to me with confused faces and stopped what they were doing ."who are you ?" one of the children asked  ,she had long , blonde hair ,half up half down with a bow,she was very pretty. "I'm y/n l/n , im your new nanny's well... daughter, i guess ,"i then heard footsteps coming down the stairs , it had to be nanny McPhee.The kids didnt seem to hear it tho as they continued with whatever they were doing .She came down and stood beside me taking in the sight before her . "oh look , the doors open and theres nobody there ," a boy with sandy , blonde hair and a devilish smile said aloud . If im being totally honest he was quite cute ."i am here , i am nanny mcphee,"                                                    "d-did somebody speak?" he spoke again .                                                                                                                 "i didnt hear anything ,"a boy hiding under a table wearing glasses spoke , he appeared to be making what looked like a pile of green goo  ."thats because nobodys there !"another boy with light blonde hair ,who seemed quite young spoke ."listen to this then you will stop what your doing ,put everything to rights and get ready for bed ,"they all looked around at eachother smirking and with judging faces .

"i just had an idea what if we play in the kitchen all night !"the boy spoke once again . Nanny mcphee then slowly raised her stick and tapped it on the ground . Nobody could control what they were doing and it was quite funny in my opinion . They all started screaming but i couldnt quite make out what they were saying as they were all talking over one another . Out of the corner of my eye i finally realised that the baby was next to be put into the homemade catapult and everyone was begging for nanny mcphee to put them back to there normal pace .

Except for one , that boy , "please nanny mcphee,"nanny mcphee spoke                                                     "please,nanny mcphee,"The goo that the boy under the table was making suddenly exploded and everything was put to rights . Everyone made there way upstairs that boy being the last one . As he was going past he didnt take his eyes off of me . hm weird . I couldn't tell if he was judging me for something or if he was just confused. Or maybe both?

"go on y/n , time for bed ,"

I made my way up the stairs to say goodnight to the kids Nanny McPhee following closely behind.  "you must feel at such a disadvantage nanny mcphee,"                                                                                                                       "how come ?" nanny mcphee questioned . i knew exactly what they were up to "well we know your name but,you dont know ours," I was really tired and couldn't be bothered to listen to the stupid names they made up , so i started making my way up the stairs into the attic where i will be staying till nanny McPhee has done her business . i got dressed and then got into bed falling straight to sleep .

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