When it comes to Puberty

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Donnie hits it first, to everyone's surprise

Raph and Leo hit it next, near the same time

Mikey hits it well after everyone else

Donnie gets really bad voice cracks, like 2-5 a day, for a good while before they calm down. His voice will go from normal to a high-pitch screech-type sound, before going slightly lower than before. The low periods last a couple minute each and face slowly to normal.

Leo gets some voice cracks, but not as bad as Donnie's.

❤️ Raph's voice cracks are second-worst, but were the first indicator that he started

Mikey's were never really bad. He probably had it the best of the four.

They also grew tails during this time. Raph's had a long, thick tail, Leo and Donnie had medium sized (about a quarter down their thighs in length) tail that are thin, while Mikey has a lil round stubby tail. They wag when excited. Raph has definitely knocked things over and broken lamps while his was still growing.

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