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Daniel's curled up in a lovely and pallid blanket. Jack and Zach have finally decided to go out instead of spending time having sex in the apartment, -ha, probably an orgy- and so he has the entire apartment to himself. He has chips on one side of him, and a liter of soda on the other, and honestly, it's all about him tonight. It's the night he is going to pamper himself and watch movies that make him bawl, and no one can make fun of him.

Daniel's night, he thinks, it definitely has a ring to it.

(It's eleven at night, and that's when he gets the text from Corbyn.)

From Corby:) Please come over.

Daniel can't explain why, but worry fills his body as he hurriedly slips on his vans, and leaves the apartment with everything left on. He jogs his way to Corbyn's apartment, despite the fact that it probably isn't a big deal. Daniel just- he loves Corbyn, is all.

He doesn't knock when gets there, instead just turns the knob and finds it already unlocked. That worries him because it's nearly midnight, Corbyn should not have his door unlocked. He slips in the door though and finds that the only lights on in the apartment are the fairy lights, illuminating the room in a dainty ivory color.

"Corbyn?" he calls softly, slipping his shoes off by the door.

His reply is a soft giggle, and despite the confusion, he does find himself less worried. He smiles lightly, knocking softly on Corbyn's door, before peeking inside.

"I found y-" he cuts off, seeing Corbyn on the floor, surrounded by alcohol bottles, and the smell hits Daniel's face like a freight train. Daniel hasn't drank in a long time, really. He use to go out with the boys a few nights a week, but he has been finding himself trading those nights to stay over at Corbyn's place, trying his newest desserts and watching bad rom-coms.

"Corbyn, are you alright?" he shuts the door a bit behind him, though he isn't sure why, and carefully pads toward Corbyn. Corbyn whose hair was matted to his forehead, and skin a light pink. His eyes are glossy, and his lips red.

"Daniel you're here!" Corbyn giggles and he holds his arms open for a hug that Daniel cautiously gives away.

"Yeah, I'm here. Corbyn, how long have you been drinking?" Daniel asks, only to find himself laughing when Corbyn's face scrunches up all cute, and he holds his hands out.

"This many times!" he's holding up 6 fingers, and Daniel isn't sure if that's hours, minutes, or drinks, but he goes with it.

"Alright, love," he says gently, "I think you've had enough now, yeah?" He tries to take the bottle Corbyn is working on away, but Corbyn pouts and moves it away from him.

"Just one more, Daniel. Just one more," he babbles, and Daniel is so guiltily endeared by it. In spite of it, he still tries to take it away. "Corbyn, no. I think you've had plenty."

Corbyn shakes his head again, making a little humming noise and poking his tongue out. "I think you've had plenty."

Daniel laughs, biting his lip. "C'mon Corbyn, just hand it over, alright? I'll tuck you in, and in the morning, I'll take you out for a yummy and greasy breakfast." 

"I don't want breakfast, I want strawberry milk!" Corbyn screams it out and then erupts in a fit of giggles. Daniel has to bite his cheek to keep from giving in and laughing too he can't help it, Corbyn is just so adorable, and honestly, Daniel never thought he would be calling a drunk guy adorable, but here he is.

"You can't have milk after drinking, love, it's not good. And if you drink even more you're going to be even more hungover, alright?"

Corbyn pouts and looks down into the neck of the bottle, sighing deeply, "Lemme finish this one? Dani lemme finish, then I stop."

Daniel breathes in deeply and finally nods unsurely. He sits down beside Corbyn on the ground, and gently presses his thumb against Corbyn's cheek, "Alright, last one."

"Last one," he murmurs quietly, slowly sipping the contents from it.

He really does drink it slowly, too, is the thing. and he also babbles and slurs little nothings to Daniel, that Daniel can't quite understand anyway. He manages to catch a few words and sentences, but the rest is gibberish.

The lights are casting little shadows on Corbyn's face, though, and Daniel does recognize that Corbyn still looks so pretty even if he is glossy-eyed and lip-bitten. He giggles a lot, which is another thing Daniel notices, and he just simply sits with him, smiling at whatever the nonsense he is going on about and picking at his sweats.

His phone starts buzzing, and Daniel fishes it out of the pocket of his sweats to answer the message, ignoring whatever it is Corbyn is slurring to him.

From Jack: Where r u?

To Jack: at Corbyn's don't worry, you and Zach have fun ;)

From Jack: Yea in ur bed ;)

And daniel's about to reply with something as equally witty and sarcastic when he hears it. And when he hears it, he really hears it. Loud and clear, and perfectly enunciated, as if Corbyn has been practicing to say it for so long. It sucks the oxygen from the room and replaces it with the suffocating poison that shoots shivers down Daniel's spine as he hurriedly turns to Corbyn, his eyes wide and heart-pounding, pounding, fucking pounding, and he doesn't- he fucking hopes he heard it wrong.

"What Corbyn? What did you just say?" Daniel asks urgently, chewing at his cheek nervously, trying to take deep breaths.

Corbyn watches Daniel with glossy eyes, blinking, saying simply: "That's why my ex-boyfriend use to hit me."

Daniel watches Corbyn carefully. His body trembling, "Who use to hit you?"

"My ex-boyfriend, Mark. He use to touch me too, and I would feel gross afterward."

And Daniel's - he's - Daniel. He doesn't know how to feel, because his blood is boiling and his fists are clenching, but then he sees Corbyn's face, Corbyn's beautiful and soft fave, and he gets soft. He just- all he just wants to do is wrap him up in his arms and protect him. He can't- how could anyone hurt him?

"S'why I like all this stuff! It makes me feel nice and pretty and clean," Corbyn giggles softly, "and the strawberry milk makes me feel good on the inside too!"

Daniel didn't know when he started crying, but he can feel the tears just leaking from his eyes, pooling somewhere on his chest in the forms of disbelief and heartbreak.

Before he knows it, Corbyn is wiping at his cheeks messily, drunkenly, murmuring, "Don't cry Daniel, you can have strawberry milk, and then we'll both feel good."

And Daniel feels fucking shattered as if he is reliving his most painful moments in life. He shakes his head, trying his hardest to force a smile.

"I'm fine Corbyn, I'm fine. We're fine," he hushes through his tears, wrapping Corbyn up in his arms, petting his head.

"What'd'ya mean Dani?" Corbyn murmurs confused, eyelids shifting down as he yawns, "what d'ya mean?"

Corbyn is slowly falling asleep as he is pressing into Daniel's chest, and Daniel carefully lays them down on the floor. He murmurs through everything soft little nothings, until Corbyn is heavy in his arms, tinted breath hitting his face softly.

Daniel cries them both to sleep that night because that's all he can do.


Author's Note: Okay hope you like this chapter and let me know what you think, I know this one was a little sad and the next chapter will be too probably. Please comment and vote if you want to -S🍋🍋

(Word Count: 1319)

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