9- i guess it was never meant to be.

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art creds: @rosieanox on twitter! :)

well here it is the long awaited cliff hanger finished. have fun and enjoy ❤️

word count: 1,904

tw: blood, screaming (lmk if i missed anything please!)

this is a long one guys!

y/n point of view, day of the election

here i stand at the podium with my brothers, and schlatt, quackity and for some reason george is here.

"well i didn't expect you to show" wil says to schlatt. "oh i came early" he's quick with his repsonse. "you look much better then yesterday schlatt. cleaned your self up i see" to be fair schlatt looked like shit yesterday at our meeting.

"oh yuh know he's better now" quackity says. "wil. let's get on shall we." i tug at his uniform being quiet not wanting to start anything right now.

"alright i'm here with our four candidates swag2020, schlatt2020, pog2020 and coconut2020." wil says into the microphone. "so fundy still running against your old man huh."

forgot to mention niki and fundy are running against us all sadly. "yes" is all funding says with a determined grin on his face.

"i have with me in my possession the winners and percentage of all the votes we received, there was voter fraud. you want to know which party had votes spammed for them huh? 1,020 votes were spammed in the place of coconut2020." i gasp after hearing wil say that.

oh fundy i'm so sorry you had to be thrown into this and poor niki.

"without a further a do i'd like to go along with the election votes, with 9% of the vote being 20,000 people, here being in fourth place is  party coconut 2020."

fundy goes wild shouting yes's that could be heard a mile away. though he lost he still is as proud as ever. i love fundy i truly do but i never wanted it to end like this for him.

"with 16% of the vote coming in third place is schlatt2020" wil says with a mischievous grin. but it doesn't end there with jshlatt himself looking at me and shakes his head.

why is he looking at me as if i've done something wrong, by all means i'm not a huge fan of communism but he doesn't have to go that far.

"now that leave two party's left, in second place with 30% of the popular vote is lead by the party leader quackity, swag2020. meaning the winner with the largest popular vote by 45% is pog 2020!" i smile and give tommy the biggest hug.

"we've done it y/n we've created a nation where we can finally live freely, just us." tom says quiet enough for only me to hear.

"we have and it has always been meant to be."

"please please listen, one night ago the night of the meeting after the announcement of schlatt and coconut 2020, quackity made a deal with schlatt and said that no matter what happens quackity would combine both party's votes." the only thing left to do is let go of tommy and run to the podium wilbur was speaking from.

trying to read what he said, it is his papers he had written just the night before that i helped with. no this can't be possible i think. but there is is in fine print it says it all.

"with the combined votes that means both party's got 46% of the popular vote." wil shoose me off, and goes quiet for a second. rethinking everything. this was the place he built, for his son, for y/n, tommy, and tubbo. now this is the only thing all of pog2020 can think of at this point.

"schlatt 2020 has been inaugurated into office, mr jshlatt by one percent you have been crowned with presidency. you know  jshlatt i wish i could say it was an honor to compete against you but it really, really wasn't." wilbur flashes the nastiest face to schlatt i have ever seen him make.

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