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Crack... Crack...

Was she delusional? Or was her shell finally ceasing? Was her stone encasing finally dissipating?

Yes... yes...

He was near. Now, she could have the two people dearest to her together and then, she'd get her revenge. With that she could live her happy, lovely life with her two loves and all would be well.


Scaramouche stared up at the sky on the roof of the ferry, the stars shone especially beautifully tonight. He closed his eyes, she was under this same star-filled sky. That was enough for him.

He let out a sigh, relief filling him as the previous vision he had came to mind.

"Hey... aren't the stars pretty?"

"I don't know what you find so appealing about the stars, T*k**. But, if you believe something is beautiful, then I will too." The h/c-nette whispers, arms behind her head as she gazes at the great expanses of the atmosphere.

"Don't you have opinions of your own?" The purplette asks.

"Of course, but believe it or not. I'm just too shy to tell you them."

"Liar!" The male states.

"I tell no lies."

He opens his eyes again, what exactly was that muffled sound he had heard? A name perhaps? Maybe... His name, the one before Scaramouche the Harbinger?

The heartwarming scene broke some of Scaramouche's rude facade, just a bit. He felt... happy.

So, this mysterious one is shy?

How cute. He can't wait to know more, more about his old self, about her.

Scara released a yawn, he'd think more of it tomorrow. As for now, he'd get some rest. He'll reach the plains the next day, one step closer.

Forgotten (Scaramouche x Reader) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now