wedding and a surprise visit

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Ichiro p.o.v

Its early the next morning im getting ready for my wedding after I shower, shave, and brush my teeth I have my wedding kimono on and im putting cologne on when naruto walks in having trouble I chuckle and say come here naruto he walks over I adjust his kimono and get a bottle of cologne that I bought for him and give him a couple of sprays I say ok naruto your ready he hugs me and says thanks uncle I smile and say your welcome naruto come on we need to be there so I can walk with my brides and you your flower girl he blushes a bit I chuckle we get to the start I see anko and shizunea in their wedding kimonos and they look gorgeous in them

Ankos is a bright red with cranes and flowers

Shizunea's is pink with intricate patterns i say you two look beautiful in those they blush and say thank you ichiro kun I look and see hinata blushing from naruto saying the same to her we get in position i take one of my brides arms and we walk into the temple where a priest is waiting to marry me anko and shizunea naruto has one of hinata's arm and walking with her once we take our positions the priest begins the ceremony I turn to each other and say our vows once we finish he says now by the power bestowed upon me the goddess amaterasu I herby name you husband and wives you may now kiss your brides I kiss both anko and shizunea the crowed cheers I take one of their arms and we walk out

Naruto p.o.v

Me and hinata are clapping and cheering for my uncle and my new aunts I wrap a arm around hinata she leans into me and we walk out I see pervy sage with granny tsunadea I don't know what he said but it got him a knot on his head I laugh a bit classic pervy sage he sees us and walks over and says you ready for tomorrow naruto I pull hinata closer and say yea im ready what time are we leaving tomorrow he says early tomorrow morning after breakfast it will also give you time to say your goodbyes I nod and walk with hinata to the reception in the palace

Ichiro p.o.v

  The reception is going great everyone is having a good time lady tsunadea Is enjoying the best sake that my village can offer a bit to much cause she is hitting on Jiraiya who is going along with it I hope he doesn't do anything that will kill him cause if he sleeps with her he will be dead when she wakes up in the morning my mom is talking to her new daughters in law my grandfather is talking with the visiting kage enjoying some sake with them naruto is dancing with hinata who is blushing like crazy neji is keeping a close eye on her the raikage arrived at last minute so neji is watching him and his shinobi closely encase they try anything like they did when hinata was six hinata's father is watching them as well im drinking with some friends then I hear a lot of shouting I look to the door and see one of my shinobi he runs over as quick as he can and Whispers in my ear i groan anko asks whats wrong ichiro kun I say its the uchiha brat he's here looking for naruto he wants a fight lion my anbu appears next to me and I say go and force the uchiha a way I don't want anything to disrupt my wedding he nods and says hai you highness and congratulations I nod my thanks and he goes to fulfill his orders shizunea says hows sasuke here he defected for orochimaru a few months ago thats when I get on guard if sasuke is here so is orochimaru I call another anbu and whisper to him so I don't cause a panic gather all sensory anbu we got and go over the whole village orochimaru of the sanin maybe here and do it as quietly as possible and check everywhere even places you wouldn't normally look he's a slippery bastard he nods and goes to do his orders this not good what does orochimaru want to come to my village after a couple of hours he reports your highness we searched the whole village no sign of orochimaru of the sanin we even hand nuke dogs search only sasuke's scent was detected i sigh in relief only sasuke came here he came for naruto I was thinking it was kiba but we would have heard him scream from the seal taking effect its getting late so i stand and say thanks to all who attended my wedding to my two beautiful brides its late and we all could do with some rest have a good night everyone they bow and head for their homes or hotels i stand up and lead my wivies to our new home


Ichiro p.o.v

  I wake up and carefully get out of bed without waking my wives I get dressed and head to my office I over slept once there I see a woman in a green dress with white sleeves and has red hair like us I say how can I help you miss she turns and I gasp I say anbu get me my nephew here now of he ain't home he's at the training grounds no go the rush to get naruto I look at the woman in shock and say how are you alive

Naruto p.o.v

  I'm in the middle of training before I leave with pervy sage lion shows up and says lord Naruto your uncle needs you in his office at once and hurry I nod and rush towards my uncle's office once there I walk in and say hey uncle what is it that you needed me so urgently I see him talking and hugging a woman in a green dress and red hair I say uncle who is that he says after wiping his face of tears he says naruto I don't know how or why but this is your mother

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