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Minho had been pretty quiet ever since Jisung offered him to make the choreography with Hyunjin and Felix. It sounded tempting, as he loved the song an he truly loved dancing. He'd also like to see Hyunjin and Felix again but what would he tell the two? They'd certainly ask what he had been up to since he left their dance academy. Maybe they'd even accept him if he told them the truth, like Jisung had done right away but that meant taking a huge risk and the hybrid was scared. He didn't think he'd be able to handle another rejection, plus, Chan and Changbin would know about his true identity too and might tell Jisung to get rid of him. "What's on your mind, hyung?", the younger asked, successfully pulling Minho from his thoughts. The hybrid shrugged, turning his attention back to the TV. They had been watching some kind of drama for Jisung to unwind after a long day t the studio but the rapper could tell, his friend wasn't paying any attention to the screen in front of him and it worried him.

After another few minutes of silence, Minho took a deep breath, admitting: "I think I want to come to the studio in my human form. Mostly because of Hyunjin and Felix, I miss them but I'm scared. And what if your hyungs don't accept me?" Muting the TV, Jisung turned his attention to Minho and wrapped his arms around the other's waist. "I can't tell you how my hyungs will react to finding out because, yeah, they're kinda protective but they have good hearts. They will listen to our explanation without prejudice. Plus, I'll be there too to support you", the rapper smiled, "The way Hyunjin and Felix talked about you, I think they too would be happy to see you again." - "Yeah, I know, it's just- I, I'm just scared, I guess", Minho muttered, fiddling with a loose string on his sleeve. Tightening his arms around the hybrid, Jisung hummed: "And I totally understand that it means taking a risk but think about what you could gain from it. You might find some new friends and you could start dancing again, even if that's not the same as taking classes. I saw your eyes look so bright when you danced, that's something you're passionate about, so I think you'd be happy to have that back in your life."

Letting Jisung's words sink in, Minho closed his eyes and rested his head on the rapper's shoulder. He wasn't sure whether he still had a decision to make or if he had already subconsciously done so and the only question remaining would be 'when?'. "If your friends aren't pleased about who I am, will you still stay by my side?", the hybrid asked softly, "Will you have my back when they tell you to cut off contact with me because I'm not worth your time?" Jisung felt his heart break and reached up to run his fingers through Minho's hair, promising: "No matter how any of them react, I'm not going to leave you behind. Friends don't do that and I consider you a friend." Tearing up, the hybrid sniffled into his sleeve and nodded.

"Hyunjin and Felix will stop by the studio in a few days, so if you want to, I could introduce you to them then", Jisung offered, "You still have some time to make up your mind, so until then, let's talk about something else." Lifting his head, Minho looked at him curiously and hummed: "What do you want to talk about?" - "Well, I did some research on this whole littlespace-thing", the rapper started and Minho heaved a sigh of relief. The moment Jisung had used the word 'research', the hybrid's mind went right back to the article about mates and he was glad they weren't going to talk about that. Nodding, Minho smiled: "What about it?" - "Well, I read through posts on an online forum and many people there talked about littlegear, so I was wondering, you don't seem to really have much stuff for when you're little", the younger explained.

The comment had stunned Minho enough for the boy to remain quiet for a moment before he disagreed: "I have my blanket, my teether and two bottles so I can have milk no matter if I'm in my human or my cat form." - "Yeah, but-", Jisung stammered, "Most littles have a lot more, don't you feel like you are missing something?" He was afraid, he might be neglecting the other because he didn't get him the stuff needed to take adequate care of him. Shaking his head, Minho denied: "Not really? That's more than I've ever had before. When I lived at my old apartment, I only had my blanket and a pacifier. I lost that though when I got kicked out." - "You had a pacifier?!", Jisung gasped surprised. He tried his best to picture the hybrid with one but couldn't. Nodding, Minho turned bright red and hid his face behind his hands. "Yah! That's embarrassing", he whined but the younger shook his head. Removing Minho's hands from his face, the rapper smiled: "Trust me, it's not. I just think that's really, really cute." - "Minnie woved his paci", the little pouted, slipping fast now that he thought back to it. Jisung watched the other's eyes gloss over and pulled him close, holding him in his lap. Nuzzling his face into the rapper's hoodie, Minho couldn't help but tear up as he missed his pacifier.

Jisung just held the little, gently rocking him in his arms as Minho cried silently. At the back of his mind he knew crying wouldn't bring his paci back but he couldn't help it. "You're okay, kitten", the rapper whispered, turning off the TV, "Do you want me to make you a bottle before it's cuddle- and sleepy-time?" Giving a sad sniffle, Minho nodded and wrapped his arms around Jisung's neck, the other complying and picking him up. The rapper carried him to the kitchen and placed him on the counter before retrieving the boy's baby bottle from one of the kitchen cabinets. He heated up a cup of their vanilla milk and carefully transferred it to the bottle, rinsing the outside of the bottle over the sink after spilling a bit. Since the baby bottle was only a bit warm to the touch, he handed it to Minho, smiling: "Can you hold that for me, Minnie? Just while I'm carrying you." The hybrid nodded, accepting the bottle before wrapping his arms around the other's neck again. His ears weren't nearly as droopy anymore, Jisung noted. This baby really loved his milk.

After placing Minho down on the bed, Jisung switched on his desk lamp to illuminate the room with a dim glow. He switched off the ceiling light and got on the bed next to the hybrid, pulling out his phone, offering: "Do you want to pick some music we can listen to?" Minho nodded and took the device from him. He soon found Jisung's sleep playlist and picked one of those songs before handing it back. The rapper placed the phone onto the nightstand and got settled with his back against the headboard. Handing Minho his blanket, he took the bottle and waited for the boy to get comfortable in his lap. The hybrid rubbed his face into the soft material of his baby blanket, drying the tears, before crawling onto Jisung's legs. He got comfortable, leaning against the rapper's chest while his eyes still stung. "There you go, kitten", Jisung smiled, softly cupping Minho's cheek as the little latched onto the bottle. The warm drink soothed the boy, his soft sniffles quietening. Closing his eyes, Minho suckled on the bottle and relaxed when the rapper's other hand started to massage the base of his ear.

Having exhausted himself crying, it didn't take long for Minho to fall asleep. He had finished his bottle and nuzzled his face into Jisung's chest, while the other patted his hair, making him even more drowsy. Not tired yet, Jisung picked up his phone and browsed the internet, wanting to find out more about littles and pacifiers. He stumbled about the term 'oral fixation', reading the article with wide eyes. The pieces clicked, Minho surely had an oral fixation. The way he always chewed on things, including his teether and Jisung's hand, him loving his bottle and hating when he had to use a cup and him slipping his fingers between his lips to calm himself were all clear indicators. It hurt the rapper's heart remembering the boy had used to own a paci but had lost it along with his home. Jisung had already decided to replace it but there was a tiny problem. Similar as with the bottle, where would he find a pacifier that wouldn't hurt Minho's teeth?

After some more online search, he learned that pacifiers for adults were a thing and checked different online stores. When Jisung realized what a huge variety was available online, he got a bit picky, wanting to find the perfect paci for Minho. That already dictated what color it had to have, mint obviously. Glancing down at the sleeping hybrid, he found the boy had slipped his blanket between his lips again, softly suckling on the fabric. Yeah, Minho really needed a pacifier. Jisung had to suppress a squeal as he imagined the other with a pacifier between his lips. The image was just too adorable, leaving him flustered. Absentmindedly tracing Minho's soft ear, he eventually found a paci he found fit for the little and quickly ordered it. He really hoped it'd be delivered soon as he had another question he wanted to discuss with the boy. Jisung had read something about caregivers and although he already took care of Minho, he wanted to know if the other considered him his caregiver. They didn't need to be in a relationship for the rapper to take that role, if Minho wanted him to, that is. Putting his phone away, Jisung prayed the little would accept him as his caregiver because he couldn't just share this cute fluff ball with someone else.

 Putting his phone away, Jisung prayed the little would accept him as his caregiver because he couldn't just share this cute fluff ball with someone else

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The paci Jisung ordered for Minho^^

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