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As soon as Minho was dressed in one of Jisung's oversized sweatshirts and soft shorts, he slipped into his headspace. Already forgetting what they were supposed to do, the hybrid looked at Jisung with innocent eyes waiting for instructions. Chuckling, the rapper handed him a blanket and pillow. "Let's go to the living room and build your nest. We need the pillows and blankets there", Jisung smiled, throwing two more blankets over his shoulders. Nodding excitedly, Minho already dashed off towards the living room, not paying the blanket in his hands any mind. Until he slipped on it that was. Stepping onto the fabric, the little's feet slipped out from underneath him and he crashed to the floor. He had landed on his hands and knees and the impact had bruised his right knee. "Oh dear", Jisung gasped, rushing over to his mate, "You okay, kitten?" - "Owie", Minho whimpered, already tearing up as he made grabby hands at his caregiver. The other quickly sat down and pulled the hybrid onto his lap, examining his knees, shushing: "You're okay, Minnie. You're okay, Dada's going to take care of it."

With some struggle, Jisung managed to get the little to the couch, where he left him and went to fetch an icepack. "Here, kitten, let's ice that bruise for a bit", the rapper hummed, wrapping one corner of the fluffy blanket around the icepack before holding it against Minho's knee. Reaching for his caregiver, Minho sniffled: "Can chu kiss it bettew?" - "Of course, let Dada kiss it better, my little prince", Jisung cooed, leaning down and removing the icepack for a moment. He softly pressed his lips against the spot before going back to icing it. He took a seat next to Minho, humming: "That didn't go as planned, did it?" The little shook his head and gave a sad sniffle, looking at the rapper with teary eyes. "Wha' we do now?", Minho breathed, close to tears at the thought of their plans being ruined. Patting his head, Jisung smiled: "How about you keep that icepack on there for a bit, while I collect everything else we might need and get you your paci. You look like you'd need it. When you feel well enough, we can build your nest together or you just tell me what has to go where and I'll build it. Will we need clothes again?" - "Nuh cwothes, jus' stuff dat smewws wike chu. Chu piwwow does", Minho giggled, earning himself a peck on the forehead.

While the hybrid continued to ice his bruise, Jisung collected most pillows and blankets he could find, only keeping two spare ones on the bed in case they needed them tonight. He quickly cleaned off Minho's paci and took everything to the living room, where the little was already waiting impatiently. "Here's your paci, kitten", Jisung cooed, holding the comfort item to the hybrid's lips. Minho was quick to latch onto it and curiously examined the blankets, the other had collected. At first, he tried to instruct Jisung where the items had to go but that didn't work very well, as he had to smell them and decide based on the scent. Eventually, Minho abandoned the icepack on the couch and they built their nest together. Jisung had already arranged the pillows in a circle as a basic guideline, they could follow. "Let's take a break and have a drink", the rapper sighed after over an hour. Minho still wasn't satisfied with how their nest had turned out and kept moving things around only to realize their new spots didn't feel right either. Jisung had gone to get himself some water as the little ignored him, still crawling around the nest on the carpet. Since Minho didn't react, the rapper filled his baby bottle with some water and took it to the living room.

"Kitten, you can continue in a second. Let's have a drink first", Jisung pressed, crouching next to the nest and holding the bottle teat out to Minho. The hybrid crawled over to him, latching onto the bottle and gulping down most of it. When the rapper placed the bottle down, he looked at his upset mate and cooed: "Still not good?" Minho sadly shook his head and pouted at his caregiver, who picked up one of the blankets and rubbed his face into it. When he was confident it'd smell like him, he handed the blanket to Minho. The hybrid sniffed it, a wide smile spreading on his face. It smelled perfect. Now he knew exactly where it had to go. When the little had arranged it to perfection, he expectantly looked up at Jisung. "Good job", the rapper praised, "You made it so cozy. Can Dada join you?" When Minho nodded, the other climbed in, careful not to move anything by accident. The little crawled onto his lap, the second Jisung had sat down. He settled on his caregiver's lap and intently stared at the other's face. The rapper could tell he wanted something but was waiting for Minho to tell him what.

What Jisung couldn't know, was that Minho had already slipped into babyspace the moment the last blanket had found its spot and was now desperately craving kisses. The longer the rapper sat there not doing anything, the more upset Minho became, whining in frustration. "Noo, baby, what's wrong", Jisung frowned, cupping the little's cheek. Looking at him with tears in his eyes, the hybrid leaned forward and sloppily booped his paci against his caregiver's cheek. Surprised, the rapper gasped: "You want kissies? Come here, little prince, you get all the kissies." Wrapping his arms around Minho's waist, Jisung started to pepper the other's face with kisses, the little's lighthearted giggles making him smile. "Are you already tiny?", Jisung hummed, slowly catching on. Instead of an answer, all he got was Minho flopping against his chest as if body tension was too much to ask. Running his hand up and down the hybrid's back, Jisung cooed: "Such a tiny kitten, I have here."

They continued cuddling in their nest and Minho got so close to drifting off, that the pacifier fell from his lips. Before Jisung could pick it up, the little had already traded it for his caregiver's sweatshirt, softly suckling on the fabric as it smelled like his mate, providing him with even more comfort. The afternoon passed without them even realizing as they lay together. The damp spot on Jisung's shirt kept growing but Minho seemed content, suckling on it, so the rapper didn't dare disturb him. Dinnertime was coming closer though and he still had no idea what he should feed the little as a bottle wouldn't be enough to be considered a meal. They still had some applesauce, so maybe he could feed him some applesauce and a bottle after. "Minnie?", Jisung asked quietly, not wanting to wake the boy if he had fallen asleep. Minho started to purr at hearing his mates voice and nuzzled his face into the rapper's shoulder. Tightening his arms around the precious boy, Jisung laughed: "You still hungry after eating my shirt or are we going to skip dinner?"

Unsure whether Jisung had been serious, Minho picked up his head and looked at him with innocent eyes. "Hey there. You're so tiny, hm?", the rapper chuckled, "Let Dada get you some dinner, so I can feed you." The hybrid looked at him with a sad pout as Jisung shifted him off his lap and got up. Too little to really sit on his own, all Minho could do was lay in his pile of blankets and wait for his caregiver to return, longingly glancing towards the kitchen. The rapper knew this was his only chance to move, so he also did a trip to the bathroom and prepared a small dinner for himself before carrying it all to the living room. "Ssh, kitten, Dada's here", Jisung cooed when he saw the little's teary eyes. Gently pulling Minho into his arms, he propped the hybrid up against his chest and picked up the bowl of applesauce.

The rapper was lucky that Minho managed to eat without making too much of a mess and a few tissues were enough to clean his face afterwards. Trading the bowl for Minho's baby bottle, Jisung smiled: "Is my tiny prince ready for his milky?" - "Da! Dada da", the hybrid babbled, making grabby hands at the bottle and instantly latching onto it when the other held it to his lips. Minho contently suckled his milk as Jisung stroked the hair around his ears, gently massaging the base. "Such a sweet, tiny kitten I have", the rapper breathed, rubbing his face into the little's hair, which made the boy's heart flutter. Minho kneaded the fabric of his caregiver's shirt in his hands as he suckled on his bottle, slowly growing sleepy. He purred softly, though the sound barely audible with how tired he was. Jisung smiled, watching the little's eyelids droop. He could tell the boy would be out soon. The rapper kept running his hand through Minho's hair till the hybrid had fallen asleep and then placed the bottle onto the coffee table. After pressing a soft kiss to the little's hairline, Jisung reached for his own dinner, chewing as quietly as he could as to not disturb the baby in his arms.

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