Oh damn.. oh..

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Ryu walked down the street on his way home, he recently bought this new collar for the dog husky. He bought it for a dollar actually, quite cheap

Suddenly a person whistled, he turned around to see a woman in a skanky dress smoking

"Hey There hotshot, Wanna go for some quick pull up near there?" She said

"I- Uh-- Uhm.. Well you see I can't I do that I have to go and put this on my dog" He shows the collar to her, out of nowhere a loud stomping can be heard behind her.

" Oh Cmon, Its just some quick thing, Dont you worry about it, Daddy-

She was cut off by a guy behind her

"Hey!" a tall, bulky and bearded guy approaches him with angry steps, "You planning on putting that collar on my sugar baby?"

"Oh Help me ! He tried to touch me too !" She applies

" Wait WAIT I-I DIDNT MEAN TO--!! WAIT I WASNT E-EVEN" Ryu panics as he steps back, shaking in fear "I WASNT!!!" Ryu shouted

"WELL I OUGHTA--" he takes big strides, stomping angrily within each step as his tall frame hovers over Ryu.

Ryu screeches and breaks into a sprint, running away from that huge man. He pants for air until he bumped into someone. "S-SORRY I DID-" "Ryu!! What happened??" Rin said, worriedly

He was still angrily chasing after Ryu, he spots two more men beside his victim. "COME HERE, YOU--"

" OH HEY HEY DUDE, CHILL " Rin made this hand gesture to stop the dude

"Chill?" he lets out a loud, obnoxious laugh, "This kid was trying to steal my girl!"

" Wait -- Duck? Oh Long time no see.. ANYWAYS, He wasnt , He's too shy to do those "


"Oh, I can assure you, sir," Samui says, cutting off Ryu while whipping a pair of scissors out, "That he is not interested in women,"

"BULLSHITTTT" he implies



"You are in no place to call me ridiculous," Samui growls out




"HE. IS GAY," Shouted Rin

There was a long pause

Rin panted after shouting those words

"WAIT WHAT?!" Ryu exclaimed

" Oops.
He isnt into girls. The collar was for him " Rin pointed to Samui


"Watch me," Samui says, before abruptly grabbing Ryu by his collar, smashing his lips on his.

"MRH?!~" Ryu blushed.

" OH DAMN.. oh damn" Rin backs away slowly

"...... OJHVB. MY GO X D. D DD d" Duck stuttered

" See Sir? He aint interested in your girl
Bye, Goodbye, We'll be taking our leave now . " Rin pointed out

"SUGAR BABYYYYYYY COME BACK," Duck says, running back to come after his girl.

They left

"Mrpf--!!" Ryu's eyes widen, blushing. He pulls back to breathe, and he looks back to Samui. Who was gazing into his eyes

"dude what the fuck!?"

" What the fuck exactly " Rin sighed

"You would have died," Samui pointed out

"I'd rather die than kiss a guy" Ryu wipes his mouth with his hand

"How homophobic of you," he sighs, "It's not like I wanted it or anything. You taste like orange skittles,"

"Dude what the fuck really"

" Awe thats unfair not sharing my favorite candy " Rin frowned


Rin laughed " But seriously, You guys never fail to amaze me

And Ryu... Was that your first kiss I wonder? "

Ryu blushes, then looks down "y-yeah.."

"Pitiful. Just... Just pitiful," Samui shakes his head, "But at least it was with me, right?" he winks.

Rin couldnt help it but laugh more

Ryu chokes loudly " BRO "

" Im blessed and cursed at the same time to be with you guys " Rin chuckles

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to say no homo," Samui winks

" Dear lord

Anyways, Gotta go now, Must buy food to survive, And I wont be visiting your dorm for a while due to a camp trip " Rin waved indicating a goodbye

Ryu stomps to his room and slams the door, flops back to his bed and grabs the pillow clenching it tightly.

"Yo.. He gay as fuck.."

"I'm asexual as your virgin-ass soul,"

"I can hear you from here and I do not like that comparison there"

"Says the one who's never been kissed by the opposite sex,"

"Says the one who kissed a fucking guy"

"I like to fuck around, but I don't really FUCK around, you know,"

"Hah, I know" He chuckled

A knock was heard on their door

"Great. Peasants," he grumbles

"Pick that up for me will ya? I'm trying to calm down after that"

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