I've been feeling so lost these past couple of months. I feel as if I don't really know where I'm going; as if every step I take becomes foggier. The further away I go, the more I'm lost.
What is my purpose?
What do I do?
Why am I here?
These questions continuously finds its way back to the front of my mind, even if I push it away and hide it from other things to worry about.
I have this constant need to see or to hold a physical element as a means of my purpose. Things that have a personal and deep meaning within. However, sometimes, too many personal things can get you lost within your own world.
Heaps and mountains full of meaningful things can mean losing oneself; forgetting one's purpose and forgetting what it means to live because one forgets what is most important and holds true value and meaning. To overdo it, can then lose the value it has for oneself.
I feel that I have lost value on certain things that I have overdone.
I don't feel that same excitement, gratification and contented feeling on things that I loved to do.
I lose that sense of passion and belonging-ness towards it.
Sometimes it is good to question if it is worth something. Is it worth it to become dependent on? Is it worth the passion?