How Well Do You Know General Grievous?

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(Answers will be in the next chapter.)

1- How does General Grievous attempt to trap Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Palpatine aboard the crashing Invisible Hand above Coruscant?

2- Who request that Anakin lead the campaign to Utapau to confront General Grievous?

3- What is the name of the lizard-like creature that Obi-Wan uses to chase Grievous after escaping his wheel bike?

4- How many arms does General Grievous have?

5- Who trained him in the Lightsaber arts?

Correct answers to "How well do you know Darth Vader? :

1- The Millenium Falcon

2- Admiral Ozzel

3- You already have.

4- 2.03 meters, 6.8."

5- Darth Sidious

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