How Well Do You Know Finn?

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"I'm not Resistance. I'm not a hero. I'm a stormtrooper. Like all of them, I was taken from a family I'll never know. And raised to do one thing. But my first battle, I made a choice. I wasn't gonna kill for them. So I ran, right into you. And you looked at me like no one ever had. I was ashamed of what I was. But I'm done with the First Order. I'm never going back."―Finn, to Rey

(Answers will be in the next chapter.)

1. What was Finn's stormtrooper number?

2. What was the job that Finn told Han Solo he had at Starkiller Base?

3. What ship do Rey and Finn steal to escape the stormtroopers on Jakku?

4. Who gave him the name Finn?

5. During the attack of the Starkiller Base, who defeated and nearly killed Finn?

Next Up: Poe

Answers to Rey:1

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Answers to Rey:

1. Planet Jakku

2. Hyperkarn in 15 ABY during the rise of the New Republic.

3. Dathan & Miramir

4. General Leia Organa.

5. Sidious was Rey's grandfather, and he trapped her and transferred his spirit into her, which allowed him to possess her body.

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