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Wrapped in his arms, I gazed up at Kenny's rugged, angular face, made soft by the light of the lanterns. The sparse black beard that traced his square jawline, the generous mouth, the tanned, faint creases that lined his eyes; deep and dark in the dimness, wondering if I'd just heard what I thought I had. That , Rod had had a mistress AND an illegitimate child, that the Royal Council wanted dead?!
Turning his face to look down at me, snuggled into his shoulder, he laughed at the look of astonishment on my face as he disengaged himself from our embrace and padded softly along the polished pine floorboards that led out of our bedroom and into the lounge. I could see his shadowed figure reach in the darkness for a fresh bottle of whiskey and a glass from our corner bar. Something, Kenny had insisted on keeping when I'd moved into his quarters! And because I'd preferred that he persue his penchant for whiskey at home, where there was no chance of him getting into a fight; I'd agreed. The  'too-well-stocked',wooden bar; stayed.

The golden candlelight from the bedroom lanterns slowly illuminated his handsome, chiseled features, strong, muscular body, his slim hips and long legs as he made his way back into our bedroom and sat on the edge of our bed. Uncorking the whiskey and half-filling the tumbler, he placed both on his bedside table before climbing back under the covers. Allowing me to find my former position, on my side, snuggled into his shoulder, his arm resting loosely on my hip, as I leaned into him; he grabbed his whiskey and gulping it down continued with his story.

"Yep. Ya heard me right", Kenny grinned ironically, in response to the silent, dumbfounded, expression my face wore. " It were when I brung 'King' Fritz to 'em; the Council Members all waitin' there in that Council Room, overflowin' with its opulence, the Council Members all dressed in their finery; Chubby most o' all, preenin' like a peacock, they announced my next task. An' that's when the truth ALL came out", Kenny  started, contempt colouring his expression.

Imitating the Councilman, Kenny continued, his voice mimicking the airs and graces adopted by the upper crust, his nose pointed in the air, as he gestured with his free hand that had rested on my hip.
" Your service in bringing King Fritz to us, restoring the rightful heir to the throne of Paradise, is appreciated, Ackerman", began Chubby, smirkin' an' placin' his handkerchief over his nose as if I smelled like dog shit.

Hell, Jas! He jus' got me so mad, treatin' me like I were there ta scrub his shitter, or wipe his ass, I couldn'  help  but interrupt him, so's I retorted, "Don' start blowin' smoke up my ass, now!
Ya self an' I  BOTH know he ain't no Reiss. He's jus' some drunk ya've all had on the back burner, jus' waitin' for an opportunity ta install a puppet, a figurehead, so's ya can have all the power for ya selves! I ain't gonna be a part o' this shit! Ya can all go ta Hell!" And proceeded ta walk out.

"You're right Ackerman", Chubby agreed, his face the very picture o' condescension. But his admission o' my position causin' me ta halt my departure an' turn around.
" But it's not ALL self serving, Ackerman"', Chubby continued smoothly.
"This world needs stability. Needs order. And the best way to provide that, is with a King. Any King. Fritz is compliant. His family has known for generations that this may one day become an eventuality. He is prepared to be a puppet for the good of Paradise. But you're right. There is more. And this is where it affects you and YOUR kind, Ackerman." He looked at me meaningfully, as if we were brothers in arms. Fuck me!

So's I waited. For more o' their bullshit an' their lies. But I waited.

"As you know, Ackerman", Chubby continued, as if givin' a history lesson ta an ignorant.
" We nobles are not, and never have been affected, by the Monarch's ability to control the people's memories. Since the First King of the Walls, King Fritz, brought humanity to Paradise over one hundred years ago; and,  in return for our agreement in allowing the King to alter his subject's memories about the past and the true nature of the King's power, we were given titles, riches and the power to serve on the King's Council. The two families that did not acquiesce, the Orientals and the Ackermans, were banished, hunted and extinguished.
But, we have lived lives of fear and paranoia, knowing that were we to marry someone not of our own lineage, that our off-spring could become susceptible to the memory wiping power of the Monarch. And that eventually, there would be no one left that the Royalty could not control. There would be no more need to have a Royal Council. Or for us to retain our wealth and lands. Our knowledge would eventually be, just, 'bred out'", he finished, shruggin' his shoulders, his hands outstretched.

TEN  YEARS, The Kenny Ackerman Story   BOOK TWO~ FUTURES,  by Melly O'HaraWhere stories live. Discover now